It’s not breaking news that Democrats and the mainstream media have carelessly tossed the word “collusion” around like a rag doll over the last three years, and it’s no secret they’ve done so in an effort to “prove” Donald Trump was guilty of an impeachable offense.
But seeing it in living color is perhaps even more convincing and damning than merely talking about what they’ve done.
Newbusters has put together a devastating compilation video of just how often journalists, left wing commentators, and elected Democrats have worked together harmoniously to (erroneously) make a case for Trump’s impeachment well-before he was even inaugurated.
Bill D’Agostino sets the scene:
By November 10, 2016 — just two days after the election! — television talking heads were already conjuring up theoretical scenarios in which Donald Trump could be removed from office. Since then, TV journalists have amassed quite a repertoire of possible causes for a premature end to the Trump White House, including (but not limited to): his tax returns; his family’s business dealings, both home and abroad; his firing of various cabinet officials; and of course, his tweets.
Watch the video below:
The media started pushing impeachment within days of President Trump's election. pic.twitter.com/EmqGAQ8JX9
— NewsBusters (@newsbusters) September 30, 2019
And for the record, national digital and print media outlets have been just as guilty of feeding the impeachment frenzy early on as cable news outlets:
The Washington Post – dated Jan 20, 2017 pic.twitter.com/nqndyIHecG
— Kelly Sadler (@KellyRiddell) September 30, 2019
As it turns out, there has been collusion going on for the last three years done for purposes of interfering in an election – except it was between Democrats and the MSM, not Trump and Russia.
Flashback –>> Trump Impeachment Talk Started Before He Was Even Nominated
— Based in North Carolina, Sister Toldjah is a former liberal and a 15+ year veteran of blogging with an emphasis on media bias, social issues, and the culture wars. Read her Red State archives here. Connect with her on Twitter. –
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