Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., questions FBI Assistant Director of the Counterterrorism Division Michael McGarrity, during a House Oversight and Reform Civil Rights and Civil Liberties subcommittee hearing, Tuesday, June 4, 2019, on Capitol Hill in Washington. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)
In the immediate aftermath of the “report” from the New York Times over the weekend about an old-turned-new sexual assault allegation against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, a number of high-profile Democratic politicians and candidates for president weighed in and demanded his impeachment.
This in spite of the fact that the correction the paper issued hours after they were first alerted to it by conservative new media noted that the alleged victim does not even recall the alleged incident.
This is also in spite of the fact that the person who made the allegation originally is a Clinton-era liberal lawyer who has a vested interest in destroying Kavanaugh (which naturally calls into question the lawyer’s motivations):
We won’t even dwell on the fact that it was a liberal lawyer—one who happened to have been pitted against Kavanaugh during the Bill Clinton impeachment hearings—who opportunistically claims to have recalled this 35-year-old incident and reported it to the FBI.
As we all know, facts don’t care about your feelings, but Democrats don’t care about the facts. So the beat rolled on well into Monday with more Democrats lining up to board the “Impeach Kavanaugh” train, including Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (NY).
Apparently AOC didn’t want to waste the opportunity to insert herself into the debate, and she did so by posting a video clip of her during her 2018 campaign trashing highly educated “rich” men like Kavanaugh who she claimed “believed” they could get away with sexual assault.
While it’s not odd for Ocasio-Cortez to go the narcissistic route by making herself a focal point of any debate, what was odd about her tweets this morning about Kavanaugh is that she initially deleted the first one:
Hi, @AOC. You dropped this. pic.twitter.com/BCCS989E0Y
— I didn't vote for him, so think of a new retort (@jtLOL) September 16, 2019
11 minutes after jtLOL noted she had deleted her original tweet, AOC reposted an identical one:
This was almost a year ago.
It is unsurprising that Kavanaugh, credibly accused of sexual assault, would lie under oath to secure a Supreme Court seat.
Because sexual assault isn’t a crime of passion – it’s about the abuse of power.
He must be impeached.pic.twitter.com/9PhrgeYuHv
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) September 16, 2019
She followed up with another one from that same speech, because AOC has rarely seen a video of herself that she didn’t like.
But why did she delete her first tweet initially? This explanation from Free Beacon’s Alex Griswold is the only one that makes sense:
Yep. Might as well roll with it. Gotta get those RTSs, likes, and all the media attention that goes along with them.
In any event, no matter the reason for deleting and reposting, Ocasio-Cortez got dunked in the comments:
READ: NYT update included significant detail, several friends of alleged victim said she did not recall the purported sexual assault in question at all. The Times also stated for the first time the alleged victim refused to be interviewed & has made no comment about the episode.
— Art Zeigler (@artzeigler) September 16, 2019
You should have stuck with your decision to delete this tweet, @AOC.
You were credibly accused of campaign finance violations just a few months ago
By your own logic you should be expelled from the House pic.twitter.com/YjzJGzceXF
— Will Chamberlain (@willchamberlain) September 16, 2019
"Credibly." You might want to check out the Corrections section of the NYT.
— Beau Geste (@BeauGeste11) September 16, 2019
You were right to delete the first time.
— Matt Whitlock (@mattdizwhitlock) September 16, 2019
“Credibly”??? This is shameless slander and nothing more. You better freshen up on your drink mixing skills, you’re going to need them after 2020.
— SilverPatriot (@SilverPatriot1) September 16, 2019
Can you give a legal definition of "Credibly accused?"
Asking for a friend, his name is due process.
— BSF (@BSF_75) September 16, 2019
Assaulting a man's reputation w/unsupported claims isn't a crime of passion but in your case an egregious abuse of your social media…Judge Kavanaugh has served honorably as judge for >16 years…an attorney 29 yrs…married 15 yrs w/2 daughters…
He has impeccable credentials— Michael⚖ (@Michael4Tune) September 16, 2019
“Credibly accused.”
Your duplicitous “newspeak” would be more effective if you guys haven’t overused so much these past three years. Only the truly naive or wicked buy into your bullsh*t anymore. You will lose this round, and you will lose in 2020.
Believe that. pic.twitter.com/A5DWwBfWFA
— Paul M Winters (@RealPaulWinters) September 16, 2019
I want to believe that. I really do.
Related –>> Ted Cruz Destroys NY Times Over Kavanaugh Smear, Says It Confirms the Paper’s Bias and Political Agenda
— Based in North Carolina, Sister Toldjah is a former liberal and a 15+ year veteran of blogging with an emphasis on media bias, social issues, and the culture wars. Read her Red State archives here. Connect with her on Twitter. –
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