Not From the Onion: The NY Times Newsroom Literally Has a Bedbug Problem on Several Floors

It has not been a good month for the writers and editors at the New York Times.

They found out last week the hard way that conservative groups are going to aggressively start making liberal media outlets like the NYT abide by the same social media rules they hold conservatives to.


Then there was the embarrassing leaked audio from the Times town hall earlier this month that exposed, as Red State’s Sarah Lee wrote, “how the Times’ newsroom, fresh off of failing to sell the Russia collusion narrative (because it never happened), methodically and strategically decided to shift their focus to a new fabrication: Trump’s racism…”

On top of that, at noon today the NYT’s newsroom was sent an internal email alerting staff that several floors of the Times Square building where Times employees work had infestations of … bedbugs. Here’s what the email from the Building Operations department stated (via Slate‘s Ashley Feinberg):

During an extermination sweep of the newsroom over the weekend, we discovered evidence of bedbugs in a wellness room (02E4-253) on the second floor, a couch on the third floor and a booth on the fourth floor. These specific areas were then swept by professionals and found to be otherwise clean. In an abundance of caution, the second-floor room has been temporarily closed, the booth has been blocked off and the couch has been removed to be treated and professionally cleaned.

Additionally, evidence of possible bedbug activity was found in a few personal lockers on the third floor. Individuals associated with those lockers have been contacted and treatment is underway.

We continue to monitor the situation and, as a precaution, we intend to sweep all New York Times-occupied floors. We will provide updates as they become available.

If you have any questions, please contact Pat Whelan from Facilities at [redacted].


Feinberg also noted in her article that staffers are reportedly taking photos of the affected areas. She hopes they will send her some in the interest of transparency:

The paper’s visual journalism director for the op/ed department tweeted out breaking news about the bedbug issue not long after the email went out. His mentions were full of Twitter users who took full advantage of the opportunity to point out the metaphorical aspect of the story:

CNN’s Oliver Darcy even took 5 minutes out from his usual Trump-bashing to report on the news:


The New York Times has a “bedbugs” category on their website, but there’s nothing there on this developing story as of this writing.

Meanwhile, things aren’t much better at the Washington Post:

Ya don’t say? 😉

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— Based in North Carolina, Sister Toldjah is a former liberal and a 15+ year veteran of blogging with an emphasis on media bias, social issues, and the culture wars. Read her Red State archives here. Connect with her on Twitter. –


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