Police officers take cover during a standoff in Philadelphia, PA – 8/14/19. Screen grab via ABC News.
As Red State‘s Thomas La Duke wrote Wednesday, there was a standoff yesterday in Philadelphia after a suspect police officers were serving a search warrant to related to narcotics opened fire.
Here’s a recap of what happened, via the Philly Inquirer:
A gunman who police say shot six city officers was in custody Thursday after surrendering to end a dramatic, 7 ½-hour standoff during which two officers were trapped in the rowhouse where the suspect was firing away.
Shots were first fired about 4:30 p.m. when narcotics officers tried to serve an search warrant at the house in the 3700 block of North 15th Street in the Tioga section of North Philadelphia.
Two Narcotics Strike Force bicycle officers were pinned on the second floor with three other people who were handcuffed, police said. The officers were not injured but they and the three people in custody were at risk of getting shot because the suspect on the first floor was firing into the ceiling. A SWAT team reached the five and removed from the building about 2 ½ hours before the suspect surrendered.
None of the six officers who were shot suffered life-threatening injuries and all were treated at hospitals and released, police said. At least three other officers sustained non-shooting injuries during the standoff. The gunman, identified as Maurice Hill, 36, was briefly hospitalized, then jailed, after the standoff.
The below video shows officers attempting to serve the search warrant, which is where you first hear shots fired and the standoff begins. A police officer is seen crawling out the front door towards the end of the video. He appears to be injured:
In the video below, officers can be seen crouching down beside their vehicles as shots were being fired from the residence:
Over 100 shots were reportedly fired during the 7 ½-hour ordeal.
But in the middle of all the chaos where officers and residents alike feared for their lives, some residents took it upon themselves to mock and harass some of the police officers and journalists who were covering the standoff:
Yelling, screaming, and throwing things at officers that have PROTECTED YOU for 4 hours during an active shooting? Classy. WTH is wrong with you? #Philadelphia #Philly #phillypd #philadephiapd #philadelphiapolice #phillyshooter #phillyshooting @FoxNews pic.twitter.com/rUBmb65O9x
— Brooke (@BrookelynnML) August 15, 2019
CBS Philly‘s Alexandria Hoff reported on this during a 10 pm news segment, and reiterated it on her Twitter feed later:
I should add – 98% of people here on scene were respectful and concerned. That moment was just such a startling thing to see in the middle of something so chaotic.
— Alexandria Hoff (@AlexandriaHoff) August 15, 2019
While many on social media expressed outrage, others, such as NYC public defender Rebecca J. Kavanagh, characterized Hoff’s reporting as “racist” (because of course):
So 2 hours ago it was a "crowd" of people laughing at police. Now 98% of people were respectful and concerned. Interesting no one else is reporting on this crowd of people mocking police officers. This is really disgusting – and racist – reporting.
— Rebecca J. Kavanagh (@DrRJKavanagh) August 15, 2019
Do you see how your previous very unclear tweet now viral has fanned the flames of anti Black racists on twitter? Anything to say about that?
— Bridget Todd 💁🏿 (@BridgetMarie) August 15, 2019
“I should add” clarity several hours later signifies lack of integrity. + no commentary includes recent uncovering of hundreds of Philly cops posting racist memes – sure way to harm trust, relations, lose sympathy in overpoliced yet severely underserved underresourced community
— RP (@RPhillipsEsq) August 15, 2019
Alexandria gave in to her base…or rather trumps base – sadly racism is prevalent and will eventually come out, even with the polite ones.
— Mike B (@actorhustle) August 15, 2019
You took two hours to add this tweet after @CBSPhilly already wrote an article about “the crowd” and let the nasty comments in your replies continue when it turns out to be only a few people out of a large crowd in a large neighborhood?! How irresponsible.
— Lauren (@lmtr1881) August 15, 2019
No comment from any of Hoff’s critics whatsoever on the abject stupidity and danger of a gunman deciding to open fire on police officers in a crowded neighborhood with a daycare nearby, which speaks volumes.
The videos are a stark reminder of the dangers law enforcement officers face every day when they put on their uniforms and report for duty. Thank God the officers who were injured are expected to be okay.
— Based in North Carolina, Sister Toldjah is a former liberal and a 15+ year veteran of blogging with an emphasis on media bias, social issues, and the culture wars. Read her Red State archives here. Connect with her on Twitter. –
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