Twice-failed Democratic candidate for president Hillary Clinton was in New York City today for her moment in the TIME 100 Summit spotlight, and of course she was asked her thoughts “as a lawyer” on the Mueller report:
Hillary Rodham Clinton says she agrees with those who argue that Russian meddling cost her the 2016 election and that President Donald Trump has obstructed justice in covering up his campaign’s interactions with a foreign adversary.
Speaking to the TIME 100 Summit in New York on Tuesday, the former Secretary of State, Senator and First Lady bluntly criticized Russian efforts to interfere with her presidential bid, noting that Russia had hacked every Florida county’s elections system and had stolen not just top Democrats’ emails but also their strategy. Then, she said, it has become clear that the only reason Trump has not been indicted is because of the office he currently holds.
“Any other person who had engaged in those acts would certainly have been indicted, but because of the rule in the Justice Department that you can’t indict a sitting President, the whole matter of obstruction was very directly sent to the Congress,” Clinton said.
Watch her remarks below:
Hillary Clinton on whether Trump obstructed justice: "I think there is enough there that any other person who had engaged in those acts would certainly have been indicted." #TIME100 pic.twitter.com/z8l0MXx4IG
— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) April 23, 2019
This is just sad, pathetic, and weak. Desperate.
And especially ironic when you consider how Clinton herself managed to avoid indictment in 2016 in spite of all the evidence against her as it related to her email server scandal – and she wasn’t president so the indictment option was definitely on the table:
FBI Director James Comey said Tuesday that he would not recommend charges against Hillary Clinton over her use of private email servers while secretary of state, removing a huge shadow hovering over her presidential campaign.
But Comey administered an extraordinary tongue-lashing to Clinton and her aides, rebuking them for being “extremely careless” in the handling of classified information and saying the presumptive Democratic nominee should have known an unclassified email system was no place to conduct sensitive government business.
The FBI director pointed out that the probe was tasked with examining whether Clinton or her aides had mishandled classified information either intentionally or in a grossly negligent way.“Our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case,” Comey announced after a lengthy recap of the investigation apparently designed to protect the integrity of his agency in a highly charged political atmosphere.
This was a key line from Comey’s statement:
To be clear, this is not to suggest that in similar circumstances, a person who engaged in this activity would face no consequences. To the contrary, those individuals are often subject to security or administrative sanctions. But that is not what we are deciding now.
But it was Hillary Clinton. So she skated – in the middle of an election year.
It’s really, really rich that she of all people is whining about public officials escaping indictment.
Democrats have a lot of purely political reasons to keep this issue alive, but Hillary’s is not just political, it’s personal – very personal. Her loss to Trump in 2016 had to be devastating to her. Very embarrassing, too, considering she was a “sure thing” if you listened to so-called political experts and polling gurus.
Some have called the investigation into alleged Russian interference a “coup attempt” against Trump, but for Hillary, the investigation has been a way for her to soothe her bruised ego over the fact she was defeated. She’s convinced herself that without the alleged interference she would have won the election.
What she won’t say when she talks about this, and what you rarely see in mainstream media reports about what was done in 2016, is this – from TIME‘s own website:
U.S. intelligence agencies have concluded that Russia did not alter actual votes during the 2016 election.
Let me repeat that: U.S. intelligence agencies have concluded that Russia did not alter actual votes during the 2016 election.
Weird, huh? With words thrown around like “hacking” as it relates to the election, people seem to be under the impression that votes were altered or changed. They weren’t.
So no matter what happens in the future regarding any potential indictments, possible criminal charges, sanctions, etc. concerning any alleged actions by Trump officials related to “collusion”, it doesn’t change the fact that the American people still voted the way they wanted to in 2016.
Donald Trump won. Hillary Clinton lost.
— Sister Toldjah is a former liberal and a 15+ year veteran of blogging with an emphasis on media bias, social issues, and the culture wars. Read her Red State archives here. Connect with her on Twitter. —
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