As the left’s war on Chick-fil-A continues to rage on, the San Antonio, TX City Council was asked this week to reconsider their controversial decision in March to ban the restaurant from opening up a location on publicly-owned airport property.
USA Today reports:
Nearly a month after the San Antonio City Council voted to ban the fast-food chain from opening a location in the airport, the council narrowly rejected a proposal to reconsider the March 21 decision, Councilman Greg Brockhouse said Thursday.
At the March meeting, council members amended plans for a concessions agreement for new restaurants and businesses in Terminal A of the Texas airport to exclude the chicken restaurant, with some citing concerns with its record on LGBTQ issues.
Brockhouse, who is running for mayor, said in a statement that he asked the council for a revote and to debate the issue, which he says has sent a message that the city doesn’t “respect religious freedom” and has hurt the city’s reputation.
“We had a chance to fix that today and follow the will of our City, who have spoken clearly that the removal of Chick-fil-A was a mistake,” he said. “This Council again rejected religious freedom and voted against people of faith.”
The city’s March actions followed a report published by the liberal website Think Progress on Chick-fil-A’s 2017 charitable donations.
After San Antonio’s decision last month, Democrat politicians in Buffalo, NY joined in and had a similar airport ban put in place. And in San Jose, CA, Democrats recently voted to fly rainbow flags at the publicly-owned Mineta San Jose International Airport to show solidarity with the LGBTQ community.
Why? Because the city council acted stupidly couldn’t back out of their 2018 vote to include Chick-fil-A at the airport.
In addition to San Antonio having their priorities mixed up, there are some potential Constitutional issues here that Texas’s Attorney General Ken Paxton directed his office to look into in late March.
The announcement from the attorney general’s office came on the same day Texas-based religious rights law firm First Liberty Institute called for a federal investigation into the actions of the San Antonio city council.
And just this week, the law firm told PJ Media‘s Tyler O’Neil that they were considering taking legal action against the city:
“What San Antonio government officials did was so blatantly unconstitutional that First Liberty thinks everyone should know what happened and any legal action that can take place should,” Keisha Russell, associate council at First Liberty, told PJ Media on Wednesday.
Russell said First Liberty will pursue legal action against the city, depending on what they find in the documents [that they have requested from the city].
“Historically, Chick-fil-A stays away from these situations. In most cases, they choose not to fight, but maybe some of us can fight for them,” she said.
Let’s hope so.
— Sister Toldjah is a former liberal and a 15+ year veteran of blogging with an emphasis on media bias, social issues, and the culture wars. Read her Red State archives here. Connect with her on Twitter. —
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