Isn’t that sort of intuitive?
Apparently not to this guy. He is going to show the driver of the truck that protesters are capable of interrupting the driver’s trip home with any tool at their disposal.
Pickup sped through crowd and rammed through the fence, sparks flying. pic.twitter.com/0zumuvzNKC
— Hannah Ray Lambert (@TheHannahRay) August 5, 2020
Let’s see that again from our reverse-angle camera:
A vehicle drives aggressively through the crowd pic.twitter.com/6T1rBykLIx
— Sergio Olmos (@MrOlmos) August 5, 2020
For the second night in a row, the Flower Power Riot Hour has moved to suburban Portland, at an intersection very near the headquarters of the Portland Police Association building. It seems that the rioters remain upset that the Trump Stormtroopers in the Federal Courthouse have been replaced by the Kate Brown/Ted Wheeler Stormtroopers out on the streets of Portland, ruining all the rioting fun.
When the rioters went to storm the Association building, they were foiled by the careful planning of the organization to fortify their position against pretty much any time of effort to gain entrance — a padlock.
Somebody asked if anyone had a crowbar (the entrance is boarded up). Crowd seemed momentarily unsure of what to do next, now chants have resumed. pic.twitter.com/SQe4YXs6SZ
— Hannah Ray Lambert (@TheHannahRay) August 5, 2020
They really felt the absence tonight of their IED maker who got himself identified by a one-of-a-kind riot vest purchased for him by his grandmother off the internet.
The evening festivities were a pretty pale imitation of some of the more entertaining nights downtown. Here are a few clips that have made their way on to Twitter.
I thought they would be better at this kind of thing after all the practice at the courthouse.
Some people put flaming cardboard up against the building. Then the person in the flag cape started putting it out. Some people yelled that they were a cop. pic.twitter.com/HqE4vL0mPm
— Hannah Ray Lambert (@TheHannahRay) August 5, 2020
Pushing people to Lombard and Denver. Also, that may not have been tear gas because none of the officers i see are wearing gas masks. pic.twitter.com/QJxP32dkxS
— Hannah Ray Lambert (@TheHannahRay) August 5, 2020
And then the Portland PD lost patience.
Police bull rushed the crowd, protestors were cleare from the area pic.twitter.com/qWZAzDS8Tq
— Sergio Olmos (@MrOlmos) August 5, 2020
Portland Police has just pushed protesters to the corner of Lombard & Denver. A volley of smoke and impact munitions has been fired. #PortlandProtest #PDXprotests #BlackLivesMatter pic.twitter.com/uvbQkQ3DTp
— Portland Independent Documentarians (@PDocumentarians) August 5, 2020
Police disperse protestors using a walking line and smoke pic.twitter.com/d5PPK9DZE0
— Sergio Olmos (@MrOlmos) August 5, 2020
Police used smoke to disperse protestors out of the area pic.twitter.com/de4xQ1PWso
— Sergio Olmos (@MrOlmos) August 5, 2020
There was a “shots fired” incident as well, but the reports are that the shots were fired into the air.
Gun shots fired, unclear who shot them. Three shots. Crowd is dispersing. pic.twitter.com/DcoIKSnGf1
— Sergio Olmos (@MrOlmos) August 5, 2020
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