Results for: the big guy
Asa Hutchinson: the next Bob McDonnell?
Attorney as well as his work with the NRA to get resource officers in schools following the Sandy Hook shooting. … You see, we have enough big government Republicans in the Senate and in the House. … Based on what I’ve found on the guy, I’m waiting for Hutchinson to announce that he’s “severely conservative.”…
North Korea And The Enigmatic Threat.
They couldn’t quite figure out the last Kim either – or the one before that. … He has declared the truce that ended the Korean War dead and that “a state of war” exists with the South. … the future.…
George W. Bush Was Right
The guy had footprints on his tongue from the number of times he stuck his foot in his mouth. … The left talks a big game about helping the bottom half, but its policies are gradually ruining the economy, which will have catastrophic … Back to Arthur Brooks:
Some say the solution for conservatives is either to redouble the attacks on big government per se, or give…
R.I.P. George Mitchell, Father of the Shale Boom
There has been a considerable effort on the Left to give the Federal government credit for the technical advances that led to the shale … So the Feds can claim credit, in the sense that the guy who figured out that an electron beam could be deflected by magnets is responsible … The Marcellus is big, too, plus the Haynesville, the Bakken, the Eagle Ford. But the Barnett will always be The First.…
Low tide for the ocean of tomorrows
Keep in mind this is coming from the guy who says we can never escape from the horrible mistake of ObamaCare, a disaster that can never … The doors of opportunity are closing for the young, as ObamaCare annihilates the entry-level job market, and the equally important … One of these stats was the collapse of the workforce, which has accounted for almost all of the decline in the official U-3 unemployment…
Dirk Diggler For President
the woods. … Expect him to plaster a big smirking picture of Mark Sanford up the next time some journo or politico asks for his resignation. … Again, like the Dems, we’ve basically conceded that you can always expect big-time political organizations to trade any dignity, morals…
The Establishment vs. The People
There was, however, one interesting moment with a guy from the National Republican Senatorial Committee worth sharing.Friday afternoon … as I was trying to make my way to Governor Jindal’s reception, the guy from the NRSC stopped me and very derisively asked if I was … every year so the grassroots can experience authentically conservative candidates outside the world of the establishment and the coin…
The Liberal Media Intel Operation That Supports The War On Women
He was the type of guy who never did anything without reading the NT and praying on it a bit first. … A big-time politician really ran for mayor after exhibiting these behaviors and doing all the things the letter later expressed in … This is the Intel Ops component to the Elitist Left’s #WaronWomen.…
Live from Macon, GA: My Take on the Georgia Senate Race
Polls don’t show it, but Jack is the guy. The NRSC whispers behind the scenes that Jack is the guy. … The Republican Establishment in Georgia has quietly taken up position behind him. The donors like him. He is the guy. … To his credit, he steered back to the big issue — spending.…
“Not Familiar” With The Christopher Lane Killing?
Perhaps if President Obama had a son he would look like the guy who blew a hole in Australian expatriot Christopher Lane because he … Chuck Ross of The Daily Caller describes the senseless killing below. … How big of an anchor it becomes depends upon just how angry the Christopher Lane shooting is making the 87% of America that doesn’t…
Another GOP Strategist Working Against the GOP
His latest television ad hits squarely on the theme of big companies hiring lobbyists and consultants in a bipartisan fashion and getting … The little guy is left paying for those loopholes in his taxes.The consultants in the GOP, who’ve been profiting heavily from this … He’s actually the guy the bigs like.I do have to say, what is more interesting here is that Marcus is also Bill Bollings’ consultant…
Steve Jobs for President
Our America has seen the birth of the phone, the internet, the computer and that amazing device most of us now carry that gives you … We are not a society that should be penned in, encircled by the tightening grip of Big Brother, but set free to pioneer our own future … One where a culture of innovation allows freedom to grow and the market to expand enabling the little guy, the average middle-class…
The 5 underpinnings of the Cuccinelli comeback
Of the big three areas, Cuccinelli is poised to win the greater Richmond Area that is represented by Congressmen like Eric Cantor, … This is a guy that handed out gifts with both breasts covered on the state’s flag (Virginia has the only flag in the United States … If this guy failed to surround himself with the right team, his tenure would be a disaster because he knows so little about Virginia…
Why the Media Will Never Treat Conservatives Fairly
— the reporters and chattering class who develop the conventional wisdom in politics — is mostly of the left or married to the left … The media does this all the time. … The presupposition of the story was against the congregation, not against the pastor who directly disobeyed the wishes of his congregation.From…
America's exceptional faith
and the Greeks believe in Greek exceptionalism”) is not the guy you want arguing this point with Vladimir Putin, and so far he has … In the lines Putin was responding to, Obama says we can’t be the world’s policeman… and then tells us that we have to be the world’ … Faith in the individual is the key to restraining the power of government. …
Obama's Syria Speech Shows What We Haven't Learned From 9/11
Preventing the rebels from sacking Damascus was pretty much why the despot got out the poison bombs in the first place. … Look at what Bin Ladin got out of blowing the crap out of the WTC and The Pentagon. … 1) Don’t draw a Red Line unless you’ve got a nice “or else” ready if the other guy snorts it up off the floor.
2) People outside the…
The New York City Mayor's Race: Race, Crime, Unions, Taxes, and...Other Stuff…y-mayors-race-race-crime-unions-taxes-and-other-stuff-n46797…y-mayors-race-race-crime-unions-taxes-and-other-stuff-n46797
The massively powerful teachers’ union has been a particularly big obstacle for Quinn. … That leaves the other big piece of de Blasio’s economic message, union organizing in the private sector, an approach that won him the … actually change or ameliorate the trend…I don’t know if those ‘things’ will work in the big picture.…
After The Gold Rush
Natter on for over 2,000 pages, and even a guy like Marx will bury an occasional intellectual ruby beneath the copious mounds of pony-poop … If the Euro were the sort of currency a gold hedge was designed for, the Euro would be killing Germany and Holland rather than Greece … The current economy is like a universe that doesn’t do big bangs. Gold can’t hedge you very well against terminal boredom.…
NRCC & GOP About to Give Labor Unions a Huge Win
A deeply flawed man, he was the one guy the primary voters knew wouldn’t go wobbly in Washington. … Right now, thanks to the NRCC pulling out of the race, the Democrats are outspending Mark Sanford three to one. … The unions will herald it as a major win for big labor.…
Entrepreneurs: cartographers of the unexpected
The difference between the Gallup and AfterCollege surveys is the difference between the boundless optimism of youth, and the more … Why can’t big corporations, or Big Government, create the jobs we need? … Big Business and Big Government seek to write history. Entrepreneurs doodle endlessly in the margins. …
Benghazi hearings in the Mirror Universe
Just imagine for a moment that today is the day after a veteran career diplomat – the top man on the ground in Libya after the murder … we didn’t really start hearing about the “video protest” fairy tale in a big way until three days after the attack. … ’t even remember the guy? …
Louisiana Fiscal Hawks Join Democrats to Raise Taxes
in the unique position of both opposing big government and tax increases all on the same day. … But kudos to Governor Jindal who, thanks to the fiscal chicken hawks, can be against tax increases, for the little guy, and against … big government all with one swipe of the veto pen.…
Chuck Schumer's very odd double-digit insurance cost increase claim.
According to the 2010 Census, only 9.8% of the population has direct-purchase insurance. … the cost of their coverage.” … Now, I am just this guy on the Internet, but based on this information it looks like, no, health care has not been going up in double…
Rush Limbaugh and the Need for Spine
Further, for all of Karl Rove’s fine attributes, he is also largely a direct mail guy who learned at the foot of Lee Atwater and never … Direct mail guys believe the data is the value and what Team Obama discovered is that the tools to analyze the data are the value. … I think the RNC is making a big mistake.…
Tech at Night: Stand up to the gangs and pass CISPA. Obama nominates a new FCC chairman.…ngs-and-pass-cispa-obama-nominates-a-new-fcc-chairman-n45948…ngs-and-pass-cispa-obama-nominates-a-new-fcc-chairman-n45948
And make no mistake DDoS attacks affect not just the target, but the networks surrounding the target, too, so even a criminal racket … This guy made illegal executive orders on the topic, but as soon as we take good, light-regulatory legislative action, he suddenly … wants to slam on the brakes.…