Results for: House Freedom Caucus

Cruz's Amendment to Senate Health Care Bill Gets Approval From Freedom Caucus Chair…e-health-care-bill-gets-approval-freedom-caucus-chair-n73977
House Freedom Caucus Chair Mark Meadows broke from withholding comment on the process in the upper chamber to say he is in favor of … The House Freedom Caucus’s tacit approval via Rep. … Meadows, while not germane to the Senate bill, indicates that there could be much-needed support from House conservatives if a viable…
House Conservatives Carve Out Stakes For Budget Battle
– The House Freedom Caucus has announced it’s withholding support of the current Republican budget that is up for a committee vote on … Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), a Freedom Caucus leader, told The Hill. … Beyond wanting to double the current cuts from $200 billion to $400 billion, the Freedom Caucus wants to make sure that the budget…
Then, Not And: Here's How You Drain The Obamacare Swamp
– backed Ryan’s fake repeal: The Freedom Caucus will hurt the entire Republican agenda if they don't get on the team, & fast. … Freedom Caucus he previously despised: Republicans should just REPEAL failing ObamaCare now & work on a new Healthcare Plan that … However under the Freedom Caucus “Repeal THEN Replace” process, every provision of Obamacare you want to keep, you have to introduce…
No End in Sight for Health Care Nightmare - Insurers, AMA Weigh in, White House Issues Threats…ghtmare-insurers-ama-weigh-white-house-issues-threats-n74662
– I’m feeling that way about how Republicans who told use that they ONLY needed to control the House of Representatives, the Senate, … and the White House and the Obamacare nightmare would be made a historical footnote. … Caucus members again.…
Conservative House Freedom Caucus Makes Another Move Towards Repealing Obamacare…caucus-makes-another-move-towards-repealing-obamacare-n75146
– A spokeswoman for the House Freedom Caucus has announced that members of the conservative group plan to file a “discharge petition, … ” hoping for enough signatures in the House to force a vote on repealing Obamacare. … The thought is that a move like this could potentially gain backing from the White House, as President Trump has pushed that Republicans…
Paul Ryan Faces Mutiny Over His Gun Grab Gambit
– To that end House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy unveiled an “anti-terrorism” bill. In the main, it was simply pap. … If successful this week, H.R. 5611 will be among the most egregious gun control measures ever to pass either house of Congress. … Dave Brat (R-Va.), another Freedom Caucus member: “If it is a suspected terrorist and we have evidence to that extent, then Logic 101…
Establishment Wins Conservative Bloodbath In Kansas
– The GOP Establishment knocked off three-term incumbent and House Freedom Caucus member Rep. Tim Huelskamp. … So did five conservative House members. … The House conservatives who lost Republican primaries were Rob Bruchman, of Leawood; Brett Hildabrand, of Shawnee; Jerry Lunn, of Overland…
Ted Cruz Takes on the Establishment with Arizona Endorsement
– Another is Arizona conservative and House Freedom Caucus member Paul Gosar. … Fourth Congressional District will join me in supporting Paul in his bid for re-election so he can continue to fight for jobs, freedom … In short, Gosar has become one of the most conservative members and a model for improvement in the House.…
GOP Establishment Freaks Out At Apparent Conservative Alliance
– , or endorsed by, the Freedom Caucus. … the House Freedom Caucus supports. … The House Freedom Caucus may very well be the only conservative force left in the Congress after most of the GOP members of both Houses…
GOP Esablishment Scores A Win In Florida
– As my colleague, Leon Wolf, posted a few days ago, the House Freedom Caucus is locked in something of a death struggle with the forces … A smaller GOP caucus in the House means a larger percentage of that caucus will be members of the Freedom Caucus. … They are trying to reduce the clout of the Freedom Caucus.…
The House Freedom Caucus Knows They Have to Fight or Die
– The basic gist of the complaints is that the House Freedom Caucus should not be picking a public fight with Speaker Ryan heading into … So it’s fight or die time for the Freedom Caucus members. … But I am saying that I want the Freedom Caucus to continue to fight for their right to wield influence in the caucus, in the hope that…
NRCC Panics As House Freedom Caucus Refuses To Fund Its Own Defeat
– their campaign budget — driven partly by Freedom Caucus members and other hard-line conservatives who are boycotting the GOP’s campaign … The Freedom Caucus member noted that a former top NRCC staffer helped outside groups unseat his friend, Rep. … After that, several other Freedom Caucus members stopped paying dues.…
Grant Starrett for Congress
– He is a constitutional conservative of the highest order, and would be an outstanding member of the Freedom Caucus with conservatives … Jim Jordan (R-OH)’ chamber=’house’ mcid=’J000289′ ] if he were elected. … Scott DesJarlais (R-TN)’ chamber=’house’ mcid=’D000616′ ] is no conservative.…
These 13 Republicans Cast Pro-Abortion Votes Last Night
House passed a Resolution (H. J. … Tom Reed (R-NY)’ chamber=’house’ mcid=’R000585′ ] (NY-23) 12. Rep. … Finally, it should be noted that House Republican leadership, the Republican Study Committee, the House Freedom Caucus, and [mc_name…
During Monday's TV Townhall, Speaker Ryan Must Press the Reset Button
– At every level, the conservative agenda has stalled, and drama coming out of the White House has distracted from the fact that the … Unfortunately for freedom-loving conservatives, Democrats are a more aggressive majority party and a more determined minority party … Gingrich’s policy blueprint was crafted with the involvement of the entire House Republican Caucus, and included proposals that had…
With Bannon And Priebus Gone, GOP Lawmakers Are Looking for Allies in the White House
– Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), who served as chairman of both the Freedom Caucus and Republican Study Committee (RSC). … A White House spokeswoman did not respond to a request for comment.  … Mulvaney, Trump’s budget director, is also a former House lawmaker who co-founded the Freedom Caucus; Teller, the White House’s liaison…
The Health Care Nightmare Republicans Aren’t Talking About (Anymore)
– It even culminates with 32 congressmen, including five members of the House Freedom Caucus as well as three Democrats, co-sponsoring…
The Democrats Got What They Wanted, But It's Cool Because Trump Really Stuck It To Paul Ryan
– Pictured: House Speaker Paul Ryan looking for the least rude way to ask President Donald Trump what in the actual hell he’s doing … Look no further than the House Freedom Caucus. Their response to the deal? …
From The Outside, Steve Bannon Still Working With The House Freedom Caucus…ve-bannon-still-working-with-the-house-freedom-caucus-n76413
– In fact, he’s teaming up with the House Freedom Caucus to get it done. … Meadows and the Freedom Caucus writ large maintain friendly relations with Bannon. … All three are leaders of the Freedom Caucus, which has about 30 members.…
BREAKING: Trump Agrees To Debt Ceiling Extension With Pelosi, Schumer
– Pushing the debt ceiling fight back three months comes with its pros and cons, but the conservative members of Congress, the FreedomCaucus, are not going to be happy with any debt limit fight that doesn’t include cuts. … The Republican leadership in the House and Senate are ultimately the ones who come up with a debt ceiling bill, and we don’t know if…
Report: Lindsey Graham is Talking to Darth Vader
– Nope. 2017 health care policy Darth Vader, according to Lindsey Graham, is former White House adviser Steve Bannon. … Bannon has certainly been working all sides of the Congressional Republican conference since he was booted from the White House in … Last week it was reported the conservative House Freedom Caucus was working with Bannon to oust Speaker Paul Ryan.…
PSA: Paul Ryan Is Speaker of the House For A Reason and Isn't Going Anywhere For a Few More
House conservatives gave a lame attempt at an alternative by offering up Rep. … Ryan cobbled together enough middle-of-the-road Republicans and House Freedom Caucus members, as well as some of the more progressive … The House Freedom Caucus under the leadership of Rep.…
In Another 'Victory' for Trump, Border Wall Funding Doesn't Have To Be Tied to DACA
– Now the administration is hinting they don’t want that fight: White House legislative affairs director Marc Short told reporters … Trump can seek out the Freedom Caucus all he wants.…
White House: Don't Expect Border Wall Funding Attached to Fixing DACA
– White House legislative affairs director Marc Short told reporters on Tuesday that President Trump would not demand that border wall … Said House Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows, speaking on the topic: “I don’t know that it’s border wall funding, but it’s certainly…
House Republicans Begin Tax Reform, Pass Budget Resolution
House Republicans adopted their budget resolution for fiscal 2018 Thursday. The vote was 219-206. … Bloomberg reports the House budget resolution includes major spending cuts demanded by Conservatives, even as the House focuses on … The Conservative House Freedom Caucus agreed to allow a vote only after the White House and GOP leaders revealed tax plan details last…
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