Results for: Ukraine

Being In Russia's Pocket Is Not Just For the Trump Campaign Anymore
– So when the Trump campaign decides, as it did in Cleveland, to give Ukraine to Vladimir Putin we have enough knowledge to understand…
Did Moscow Plan to Assassinate the Prime Minister Of Serbia?
– Some of the arrested Serbs had reportedly fought on the Russian side in Donbas, in Ukraine.…
Wikileaks In Reverse. Email Of Vladimir Putin Aid Hacked And Put Online
– office of one of Vladimir Putin’s top aides, Vladislav Surkov, that show Russia’s fingerprints all over the separatist movement in Ukraine … emails show in great detail how Russia controlled virtually every detail of the separatist effort in the Russian-speaking regions of Ukraine … As the NBC News lede says, they demonstrate conclusively that the “separatist” movement in Ukraine is an enterprise wholly owned by…
Lithuania And Poland Prepare Their People For A Russian Invasion As Montenegro Foils A Russian Backed Coup…russian-invasion-montenegro-foils-russian-backed-coup-n63095
– hesitate to use a military force against its neighbors, and at this moment it basically continues the military aggression against Ukraine
REPORT: Hillary Wants Joe Biden for Secretary of State
– Obama’s closest adviser — and the keeper of the portfolio on some of the most difficult international issues, including Iraq and Ukraine
Russia Was in Contact With Trump's People During the Campaign
– Markov also said it would mean less American backing for “the terroristic junta in Ukraine”.…
Russia Floats Their Own Conspiracy Theory About the U.S. Election
– “Ukraine seriously complicated the work of Trump’s election campaign headquarters by planting information according to which Paul Manafort … Manafort was shown the door in August, after his connections to the Ukraine were made public and the media took notice.…
Russia Probe Looks at NRA Connection…obe-looks-nras-connection-russian-money-2016-election-n83159
– He’s also one, along with a several Russian billionaires or pro-Russia Ukraine oligarchs that are raising red flags, due to their contact…
Russia Probe Also Looking Into Series of Unusual Financial Transactions Surrounding the 2016 Election…sual-financial-transactions-surrounding-2016-election-n83103
– the past, and that the transactions surrounded the date of a critical referendum on whether parts of Crimea should secede from Ukraine
Russia Faces a Slow-Motion Financial Disaster
– The Russian adventures in Syria and Ukraine are also drains on the economy.…
If No New Russia Sanctions Is Such A Big Deal, Why Don't the Bill's Authors Care
– administration is “using this legislation as Congress intended to press Russia to address our concerns related to its aggression in Ukraine … “The U.S. government is committed to maintaining the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine and to targeting those who attempt … provide goods, services, or material support to individuals and entities sanctioned by the United States for their activities in Ukraine
Don't Get Distracted: The Russia Probe Is Valid and Here's Why
– Manafort at the helm) was working behind the scenes to weaken the party’s platform stance regarding Russia’s activities in the Ukraine
Former President Bush Explains Russian Meddling and the Chip on Putin's Shoulder
– guidance of Trump and his team, the RNC were encouraged to loosen up the Republican platform regarding aggressive Russian activity in Ukraine
Adam Schiff Epically Punked Looking for Naked Pics of Donald Trump
– If what you saw at Trump Tower was collusion with Russia to gain an edge in an election, what you see here is collusion with Ukraine
The Steele Memo Is Much More Likely Russian Dezinformatsiya Than It is Intelligence
– hired by the DNC, using the same lawyer who hired Fusion GPS, and the head of the vendor company is politically active on behalf of Ukraine
After Thirteen Indictments, the White House Rushes to Give a Propaganda Win to the Russians
– of this White House’s devotion to all thing-Russia (because, somehow, pushing to have the GOP platform on Russian activities in Ukraine
The Charges Against Trump Campaign Chairman, Paul Manafort, Just Got Stacked a Little Higher…chairman-paul-manafort-just-got-stacked-little-higher-n84747
– stand at conspiracy against the U.S. and money laundering, based on foreign consulting work they did for the pro-Russia party in Ukraine
Collusion, or Resume Padding and Self-Aggrandizement
– It is clear from Manafort’s past that he has nefarious ties to the Kremlin vis-a-vis his work in the Ukraine. …
Propaganda Only Works in America If We Let It
– Those farms were focused on the conflict in Ukraine and Syria at the time, but quickly pivoted to events in Ferguson, Missouri, when … Russian trolls started to creep into the Republican primaries via the debates over Syria (as eastern Aleppo was being leveled) and Ukraine
Who Is Indicted Russian Oligarch Yevgeny Prigozhin, and What Are His Connections to Putin?
– s go-to oligarch for that and a variety of sensitive and often-unsavory missions, like recruiting contract soldiers to fight in Ukraine
Buy Your Popcorn. BuzzFeed Sues the DNC Over the Trump Dossier
– problems with Crowdstrike is that its principals have close ties to members of the Clinton campaign and one of them has ties to Ukraine
How the U.S. Firepower Turned Russia's "Gray Zone" Attack Blood Red
– position in the theater, I learned that the working assumption is that Russia was trying to repeat the tactics they have used in Ukraine … Since 2014, Russia has destabilized and dismembered Ukraine through the use of armed proxies, “volunteer” forces, and unacknowledged…
Washington Post Columnist Demands an Apology for Insulting North Korea
– — Gene Weingarten (@geneweingarten) February 11, 2018 Note, Stalin’s starvation of Ukraine is absent from this list.…
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