Results for: the big guy

Evan McMullin's Response to an Attack by Trump is Perfect
– Donald Trump is counting on the news of the FBI reopening the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails to be his saving grace moment … The guy takes votes away from me. You know, we’re going to win Utah,” Trump said, according to multiple reports. … House the opportunity to right the horrible wrong forced on our nation by the Idiocracy.…
Dave Chappelle, Chris Rock: SNL's Election Night
– that was the highlight of the show. … to say the least. … The skit closes With Rock telling the ladies to “Get some rest…You got a big day of moping and writing on Facebook tomorrow.”…
Spurs Coach Popovich Fears America is now "Rome" (Get a Grip)
– That’s the scariest part of [the] whole thing to me. … As his remarks ended, Popovich said he was concerned that the U.S. is on the same path as the Roman Empire. … During the Obama years the piling on was accelerated.…
Trump's Jobs-Destroying (Yes, Jobs-DESTROYING!) Infrastructure Program
– Then I ran across Frédéric Bastiat and the parable of the broken window. The concept of the seen and the unseen. … Destruction is not good for the economy. What’s the flaw in the analysis? It has to do with the seen and the unseen. … The answer, for a free market guy like myself, is obvious: of course private industry does better!…
RedState's Friday WaterCooler! 11/11/2016 - Open Thread - Dear Veteran, Thank you for your service!
– Hayes answers some of the Big Questions the ForeverTrumpers are asking and anyone else wondering how the NeverTrump folks are holding … He’s the same Donald Trump when he made those bigoted comments about the judge. He’s that guy. … If that’s the way he starts things off, it’s a downward spiral. He should go big and he should go bold.…
Will the DNC Actually Select A Muslim Brotherhood Supporter As Its Chairman?
– Keith Ellison to be the next head of the Democratic National Committee, a big boost for the Minnesota Democrat as the party searches … After the Clintons stole the White House furniture in 2000, their staffers removed the “W” key from the keyboards in the executive … The question is Ellison just a stupid guy who does no due diligence before attending these meetings?…
The lying. The conspiracy theories. … The GOP controls the House, the Senate, the White House (Gold House?), the governor’s offices. State races were won. … The party they now need to come together in support of their guy. What a dumb move on their part. Just like you told them.…
President-Elect Trump's Victory Speech (Video)
– Trump as the next president of the United States. … Reince is really a star and he is the hardest working guy and in a certain way I did this. Reince, come up here. … And when I want to go and wave to a big group of people and they rip me down and put me back down in the seat, but they are fantastic…
"In Defense of Trump Voters" -- Your Must-Read for Today
– and the “drain the swamp” argument. … other two: The first of the three rational arguments for Trump is the instrumental argument. … That’s a lot of maybes, and a lot of faith placed in a guy who is so renowned for being beyond anyone’s control or influence that the
The Hard Truth of HB2 and Its Effect on North Carolina's Economy in 2016
The state level races have become more important because of the certainty of doom at the top. … Voters will begin to take notice, and their own self-interests will be awakened to just how oppressed they have been by the big government … Biased rags like The Raleigh News & Observer, or the horrendous Charlotte Observer have led the charge to discredit all the good of…
Trump Adviser: Abandon Your Reagan Conservatism - This is Trump's Party, Now
– movement of Reagan for the populist, Big Government party of Trump. … the source said, explaining some of the lawmakers’ reactions to Moore’s statement. “He’s the guy who started Club for Growth. … Moore said that his experiences on the road with Trump, stumping for him around the Rust Belt states, seeing the crowds, and Trump’…
This is the Best Unintentional Endorsement of Mitt Romney as Secretary of State, Ever…entional-endorsement-mitt-romney-secretary-state-ever-n64105
– Behold… the frothing protestations of the Trump clingers. . … atmosphere and creates a noxious environment for the rest of the world. … KISS THE RING! SMELL THE GLOVE!…
Howard Dean: Steve Bannon Is a "Nazi"
– This is the quintessence of the freakout from leftists and Big Media (but I repeat myself) over the election of Trump. … Speaking of Trump in an interview with a CBS affiliate in Texas, Dean called the president-elect a “complicated guy.” … In addition, much of Big Media criticism of as a racist, sexist, homophobic site that promotes birtherism and the notion…
Donald Trump, If You Care About America Don't Give This Clown A Job
– But he’s there with that “lean and hungry look” that some dead white guy wrote about back before the internet. … The choice the West (and I use that term loosely because Russia and China were involved in the deal) had to make was to resist Iran … Indeed, it is the assumption that the INARA killed the sanctions that induced big corporations to commence business with Iran — such…
Steve Bannon Abandons Fiscal Responsibility for Pork; Austrian Economics Explains Why He and Trump Are Wrong…sponsibility-pork-austrian-economics-says-trump-wrong-n63949
– And we believe in the benefits of capitalism. And, particularly, the harder-nosed the capitalism, the better. … One is crony capitalism, or what we call state-controlled capitalism, and that’s the big thing the tea party is fighting in the United … The conservatives are going to go crazy. I’m the guy pushing a trillion-dollar infrastructure plan.…
The Left Launches An Attack On Unapproved News And Information
– nominee — and said Democrats in and out of government have been looking at how to tackle thebig problem” of fake news on the social … The more this guy Goff talks, the more interesting it gets: But Goff, who also served as digital director for Obama’s 2012 reelection … Being ever the dutiful soldiers of the left, Facebook and Google are toeing the line.…
Democrats: We Lost Because We Are Too Nice
– Secure behind their ingenious 2010 gerrymandering plan, and the concentration of Democratic voters in big cities, it was Chaffetz and … The idea that the Democrats have just been too nice and too bipartisan and too big-hearted when in power is such a laughable premise … But, being a nice, bipartisan, and big-hearted kind of guy myself I’d like to just point out this anecdote: The top congressional…
Big Money Democrat Donors Have A Sad Because They Could Not Buy An Election
– It was a mortifying development that has rattled some of the party’s big-money men and women. … the Senate and help the party make inroads into the GOP’s House majority. … Their obvious metric is that the guy who spends the most money wins. This has been a progressive delusion for decades.…
Barack Obama Discusses Fake News With Rolling Stone
– Part of it is Fox News in every bar and restaurant in big chunks of the country, but part of it is also Democrats not working at a … That part of the critique of the Democratic Party is accurate. … But blaming the news is easier than actually fixing the problems.…
Ben Affleck and Matt Damon's 'Incorporated' on Syfy Delivers a Paranoid Anti-Capitalist's Vision of the Future
– It will probably be a big hit with the people currently demanding an end to the Electoral College. … “rats” in the mysterious “quiet room” at the hands of the Allstate Insurance guy (24‘s Dennis Haysbert). … We learn that in this future the federal government still exists and is still fighting (albeit futilely) for the little guy against…
Avoid the Distractions of Trump and the Left Behaving Badly. Focus on Making Government Smaller.…p-left-behaving-badly-focus-making-government-smaller-n64263
– I conjectured that the left would try to unite behind the rallying call of stopping their bleeding and grow up as a party the way the … Many will think that Trump is a small government guy and the GOP-controlled chambers of Congress are small government conservatives … It’s so easy to get lost in the day-to-day mess that will be ongoing between the left, the media, and the administration, but we must…
Trump, Mercers, Breitbart, SiriusXM...Plus a New Rejection Gives Us Bannonfreude Bingo!…riusxm-plus-new-rejection-gives-us-bannonfreude-bingo-n82724
– Steve Bannon is metaphorically eating a big ol’ pile of worms this week, as his catastrophic meddling in the Alabama Senate race and … Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy. … CNN’s Brian Stelter reached out to Fox News to see if the Trumperific channel might take in the man who once aspired to lead a populist…
In Pursuit of Higher Office, Joe Arpaio Hopes to Get Past That Criminal Conviction Thing…e-joe-arpaio-hopes-get-past-criminal-conviction-thing-n83299
– This is the guy who looked shocked to discover on TV that his pardon meant that he was guilty of the charge he was being pardoned … It probably has nothing to do with the fact that he has recently tossed his hat in the ring to run for one of the soon-to-be-vacant … I’m a big supporter of President Trump,” he told The Washington Examiner last week. Seriously.…
On Shoes
– A re-boot (pardon the pun) from one year ago: Shoes. … Their stated reasons vary, but politically align primarily on the leftward side of the spectrum.   … Okay – so that referenced skin, not shoes, but the point is the same.  …
Why is Trump's Pick to Head NASA Kissing Bill Nye's Butt?
– Earlier I wrote about the ridiculous spectacle that the State of the Union address has become. … Congressman Jim Bridenstine (R-Oklahoma) is bringing Bill Nye the climate change fanaticism guy as his date to nerd homecoming. … to the big dance?…
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