Results for: merrick garland

WATCH: Sen. Tim Kaine Weighs In On Using Impeachment To Stall Supreme Court Confirmation
– doing, Hallie is asking Republicans to be true to their word,” he responded, pointing out how Republicans refused to consider Judge MerrickGarland, who was nominated by President Obama. …
Here's Why Biden Wouldn't Answer That Question About Packing The Supreme Court…answer-the-question-about-packing-the-supreme-court-n255118
– They are accusing the Republicans of hypocrisy due to their refusal to go through the confirmation process for Judge Merrick Garland
Hillary Clinton Condemns Trump's...Wait for It...'Lust for Power'…he-press-supreme-court-ginsburg-trump-lust-for-power-n254980
– Caller: Clinton suggested the Republican position in 2016 to not hold Senate hearings when former President Barack Obama nominated MerrickGarland means they have established a precedent and now the judicial confirmation “is absolutely broken,” adding that the Republicans…
Ted Cruz Completely Decimates Dems Trying to Compare 2016 SCOTUS Vacancy to the Present…trying-to-compare-2016-scotus-vacancy-to-the-present-n254974
– (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik) Democrats keep trying to use the GOP holding off on a hearing for Merrick Garland, President Barack Obama … Not so much the Democrats, who argued in 2016 that the Senate shouldn’t hold off on hearing on Merrick Garland, but now are arguing…
Barack Obama Lost at the Ballot Box the Authority to Demand a Vote on Justice Scalia's Replacement…on-antonin-scalias-replacement-on-the-supreme-court-n254911
– McConnell’s decision — as the statement proves — had nothing to do with Merrick Garland, and it had nothing to do with Donald Trump … Alternatively, confirm Merrick Garland as a “centrist” Justice who would be a “swing” vote in the middle of the Court capable of being … That is why Judge Merrick Garland is not Justice Merrick Garland today.…
Democrats Don't Hate McConnell; Democrats Hate the Separation of Powers…te-mcconnell-democrats-hate-the-separation-of-powers-n254912
– President Obama nominated Merrick Garland, a D.C. … He laid the decision regarding Merrick Garland at the feet of the voters.  … Schumer isn’t mad that the Senate Republicans didn’t hold a vote on Merrick Garland. …
Ruth Bader Ginsburg Could Have Named Her Successor -- All She Needed to Do Was What Anthony Kennedy Had the Foresight to Do…or-all-she-needed-to-do-was-what-anthony-kennedy-did-n254868
– When she was asked in an interview with the NYT in 2016 if the Senate should consider Merrick Garland’s nomination ahead of the election … That was why the GOP refused to give Barack Obama a vote on Merrick Garland. …
Bad News for Democrats: How Americans Feel About Having SCOTUS Confirmation Hearing In 2020…eel-about-having-scotus-confirmation-hearing-in-2020-n254904
– also showed that the majority disagreed with holding off on the confirmation hearing in 2016 for President Barack Obama’s nominee, MerrickGarland. … U.S. adults disagreed with blocking Garland’s nomination, with 45% of Republicans saying it was right not to hold hearings for Garland
President Trump Responds to Barack Obama About the Supreme Court…mas-demands-regarding-filling-the-supreme-court-seat-n254884
Garland, they invented the principle that the Senate shouldn’t fill an open seat on the Supreme Court before a new president was sworn … In the aftermath of that statement, Trump was asked about the Obama-Garland issue earlier today. … Trump asked about Obama/Garland precedent: "That's called the consequences of losing an election.…
Trump Responds to Susan Collins Statement, Trolls Barack Obama in Response to Garland Whataboutism…lls-barack-obama-in-response-to-garland-whataboutism-n254870
– Of course, Trump was reminded that Mitch McConnell wouldn’t allow Barack Obama’s nomination of Merrick Garland in 2016 to move forward … And by the way, I have to say this – Judge Garland is highly respected. I have a lot of respect for him.…
Dems: Check Your History, GOP Are Completely Right to Hold Confirmation Process Now, as You Admitted in 2016…old-confirmation-process-now-as-you-admitted-in-2016-n254852
– confirmed again yesterday that he believes this situation is different from that in 2016 when the Senate declined to hold a hearing for MerrickGarland, President Barack Obama’s nominee.…
Will Lindsey Graham Eat His Own Words About No SCOTUS Nominee in Final Year of Trump Term?…about-no-scotus-nominee-in-final-year-of-trump-term-n254799
– Lindsey Graham justifies his treatment of Merrick Garland: "If an opening comes in the last year of President Trump's term, and the…
Trump Lays It Down on the Supreme Court Question: 'We Have an Obligation'…on-the-supreme-court-question-we-have-an-obligation-n254837
– again what he sees as the distinction between this year and 2016, when the Senate held off on any hearing over the nomination of MerrickGarland.…
Barack Obama, Scolder in Chief, Tells Us How to Honor Justice Ginsburg's Legacy…chief-tells-us-how-to-honor-justice-ginsburgs-legacy-n254813
– Four and a half years ago, when Republicans refused to hold a hearing or an up-or-down vote on Merrick Garland, they invented the principle…
Justice Ginsburg Dead: All Election Calculations are Now Out the Window -- Prospects for Chaos Now Almost Certain…ut-the-window-prospects-for-chaos-now-almost-certain-n254780
– Obama nominated relatively moderate DC Appeals Court Judge Merrick Garland to fill Justice Scalia’s seat, and had Garland been given … But Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell took a sizeable gamble with the seat and refused to allow the Garland nomination to come…
RedState Weekly Briefing: Fetterman Oddity, Garland Mendacity, Manchin Pique…ing-fetterman-oddity-garland-mendacity-manchin-pique-n714898
– .: Garland Tells Whopper of a Lie, Proving Why Tucker’s J6 Coverage Was So Important — by Nick Arama  They are truly panicking that … But while Schumer and Kinzinger were certainly deplorable with their remarks on the day, it may be Attorney General Merrick Garland … Listen, as even now, Garland lies. He talks about officers assaulted on “that day” and then says, “Five officers died.”  …
Joe Biden Doesn't Seem Willing to Take the Most Important Step - Declaring the Cartels Terrorist Organizations…t-step-declaring-the-cartels-terrorist-organizations-n713938
Merrick Garland admitted as much in his last hearing before the U.S. Senate in a couple of exchanges with Senator Lindsey Graham. … AG Garland: "I think we already have mandatory minimums.. " Graham: "Do you think they should be increased?" … GARLAND: "I want to point out, there are diplomatic concerns.…
More Panic in D.C.: WH Spreads Despicable Lie About Jan. 6, Proving Tucker's Point…ads-despicable-lie-about-jan-6-proving-tuckers-point-n713771
– We saw Attorney General Merrick Garland talk about what happened “that day,” then saying “five officers died.” … And it’s not just Merrick Garland. The White House proved it was a “talking point” by repeating it themselves.…
Panic in D.C.: Garland Tells Whopper of a Lie, Proving Why Tucker's J6 Coverage Was So Important…lie-proving-why-tuckers-j6-coverage-was-so-important-n713062
– But while Schumer and Kinzinger were certainly deplorable with their remarks on the day, it may be Attorney General Merrick Garland … Listen, as even now, Garland lies. He talks about officers assaulted on “that day” and then says, “Five officers died.” … Merrick Garland just lied by stating 5 officers died because Jan. 6. — ⚜ • 𝕸𝖎𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖊𝖑 • ⚜ (@BasedSolutions1…
FBI Agent Blows the Whistle on Government Targeting of Pro-Lifers
– The release of O’Boyle’s testimony came one day after Attorney General Merrick Garland was questioned extensively by the Republican … And what is AG Merrick Garland’s excuse?…
The Suspension (and Reinstatement) of Pro-Life Activist Lila Rose Shows Twitter Still Has Work to Do in Eliminating Its Ghosts…itter-still-has-work-to-do-in-eliminating-its-ghosts-n711783
– LUNfGk2WCK — Live Action (@LiveAction) March 5, 2023 It is interesting that this happened the day after Attorney General MerrickGarland was roasted by Sens. … The FBI, which works under the direction of Attorney General Merrick Garland, came to the home of Mark and Ryan-Marie Houk with 20…
Tucker Takes Down the Dems, Schiff Performs a Spectacular Self-Own in Response…s-schiff-performs-a-spectacular-self-own-in-response-n711766
– He went on to talk about the weakness of Attorney General Merrick Garland. But the description also applies to Joe Biden.…
Christopher Wray's Failing PR Campaign to Save the FBI's Reputation
Garland. … Maybe Garland is on his way out and he is trying to keep his loyal minions in place, after he is gone. … Is it coincidental that Merrick Garland spent his Wednesday getting shredded by Senators Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, and others over his…
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