Results for: critical race theory

Parent Sues Woke LA Private School Over DEIJ Polices, Claims Anti-Semitism…oke-la-school-over-deij-polices-claims-anti-semitism-n578226
– Critics of DEIJ claim that it’s actually CRT, or Critical Race Theory, in a disguise that makes it more palatable to some parents and … This drama will continue to play out as parents who feel that teaching everything through the “lens of race and racism” isn’t the right…
BUZZ CUT: Biden’s Military and The Great Reset
– Elements absolutely critical to success on the battlefields or the seas. … Turns out, nobody cares about your race, ethnicity, or sexual preference when bullets are flying. … DEI is simply a synonym for Critical Race Theory (CRT) and “inclusion” is lib-speak for equality of outcomes, and the US military is…
Today's Senate 'Bipartisan Gun Safety' Proposal Is Just as Bad as You Feared It Would Be…ty-proposal-is-just-as-bad-as-you-feared-it-would-be-n577733
– Those mental health referrals will be made by the same people who teach Critical Race Theory, make your elementary school student experiment…
We Need to Talk About White, Liberal Wine-Moms
– Take the book “White Fragility,” which is an ode to critical race theory and social justice politics.…
'Concerned Graduates of West Point' Pen Letter Calling out 'Woke Sentiments' of the Famed Academy…ter-calling-out-woke-sentiments-of-the-famed-academy-n585637
race theory” indoctrination, “progressivism,”  and other “woke” sentiments of the famed military academy. … And so-called Critical Race Theory? Of course. Instruction in Critical Race Theory (CRT) at the Academy. … Critical Race Theory now replaces Duty, Honor, and Country.…
US Army Jettisons GED Requirement Amid an Ever-Woker Defense Department's Desperation…t-amid-an-ever-woker-defense-departments-desperation-n585479
– At West Point, they’re teaching Critical Race Theory. Last year, Florida Rep. … Will you select a soldier of a different race because you have White guilt?…
29-Year-Old Biological Male Bests 13-Year-Old Girl in Women's Skateboarding Tournament…13-year-old-girl-in-womens-skateboarding-tournament-n585264
– American Voters A New Generation of Fetishists Find the Fintastic World of ‘Mermaiding’ Democrats Swat Down a Measure to Ban CriticalRace Theory in the Military Find all my RedState work here.…
Bill Maher Drives a Stake Through Leftism as the Democrat Party Abandons American Voters…ftism-as-the-democrat-party-abandons-american-voters-n584862
– content from me: A New Generation of Fetishists Find the Fintastic World of ‘Mermaiding’ Democrats Swat Down a Measure to Ban CriticalRace Theory in the Military Miss France Welcomes Biological Male Contestant, ‘a Candidate Like the Others’ Find all my RedState…
Democrats Swat Down a Measure to Ban Critical Race Theory in the Military…measure-to-ban-critical-race-theory-in-the-military-n584389
Critical Race Theory might’ve recently been put on a path for removal from American military academies. … Teaching Critical Race Theory to West Point Cadets: Report You may recall Gen. … Race Theory.…
Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin Pledges to Provide 'Seamless Access to Reproductive Health Care' After Roe is Overturned…in-makes-ridiculous-pledge-in-response-to-roe-ruling-n584112
– And: SecDef Austin and JCS Chairman Milley Show They Are Completely Devoted to Critical Race Theory at the Expense of Combat Effectiveness … winner — argues that diversity, inclusion, and equity (DEI) are essential in “making the U.S. military more successful in achieving critical
Ibram Kendi Makes Ridiculous 'Slavery' Comparison With 'Right to Have Guns,' Pushes CRT Nonsense…mparison-with-right-to-have-guns-pushes-crt-nonsense-n582993
– The “noted” advocate of Marxist-derived Critical Race Theory has inadvertently made a perfect case for the Second Amendment while attempting … Listen, while I don’t possess nearly the degree of genius as that of Ibram Kendi [rolling-eyes emoji], I have been a critical half…
The Buzz Cut: Joe Biden’s ‘Dereliction of Duty’
– Air Force Academy (USAFA) have been forced to watch a Black Lives Matter video upon arrival, Critical Race Theory is being taught in…
Don’t Let Them Lie to You About How Florida Is Teaching History
– The law, which is intended to prevent teachers from introducing ideas inspired by critical race theory in the classroom, caused quite … prohibits lessons and training that put forth the idea that some people are inherently racist, sexist, or otherwise bigoted due to their race … difference between teaching history and trying to indoctrinate children into progressive ideology when it comes to America’s issues with race
L.A. Unified School District Teachers Learn That 'Merit' Is Racist, and Other Forms of Doubling Down on Stupid…is-racist-and-other-forms-of-doubling-down-on-stupid-n590741
– District (LAUSD) has required all teachers and staff to complete ‘implicit/unconscious bias training’ provided by Tyrone Howard, a criticalrace theory (CRT) advocate and a professor of education at the University of California.…
New 'Worse Than Trump' Drops as Democrat Flop-Sweat Over 2024 Builds
– It is correct that DeSantis signed two Parental Rights laws that protect children from sexual indoctrination in schools and CriticalRace Theory.…
Why Are Churches Becoming Less Patriotic?
– When you have pastors preaching pro-abortion talking points from the pulpit and promoting elements of critical race theory, it is no … All of which makes me wonder if perhaps CRT isn’t critical race theory but actually Christian race theory.”…
Army Backs off Enlisting High School Drop Outs but the Woke Cancer Killing Enlistments Remains Stronger Than Ever…ancer-killing-enlistments-remains-stronger-than-ever-n588076
– Biden’s Military Shows Just How Lost Our Military Is SecDef Austin and JCS Chairman Milley Show They Are Completely Devoted to CriticalRace Theory at the Expense of Combat Effectiveness Dan Crenshaw’s Reports on CRT in Our Woke Military Shows That the Institution…
We Can Love America Without Lying About Her
– This development comes amid a heated debate over leftist ideology related to race, gender, and sexuality being infused in K-12 classrooms … This proposal only plays into the hands of progressives claiming that opposition to ideas inspired by critical race theory is nothing…
Noted Legal Scholar Calls Opposition to CRT a 'Battle for National Survival'…lls-opposition-to-crt-a-battle-for-national-survival-n587446
Critical Race Theory. Anti-racism. Diversity. Equity. Inclusion. Social or emotional learning. … Jacobson, “the fight against Critical Race Theory is nothing less than a battle for national survival.” … Related on RedState: Superintendent Proudly Declares His District Is Using Critical Race Theory in the Classroom The Left’s Assault…
Greg Gutfeld Needs Just One Tweet to Slam the Media, Remind Other Late-Night Talk Show Hosts Who's Boss…ia-remind-other-late-night-talk-show-hosts-whos-boss-n586857
– Energy Crisis Gutfeld Decimates ‘Virtue-Signaling’ CNN and Brian Stelter’s Silly COVID Selfie Stunt Gutfeld Stomps All Over CriticalRace Theory, Warns of Threat to Schools and Military Toss in the aforementioned late-night talk show lapdogs, and there you have…
Ilhan Omar Tells 5 Whoppers About SCOTUS, Which Guy Benson Promptly Dissects…pers-about-scotus-which-guy-benson-promptly-dissects-n586269
– Ilhan Omar for Lying about Critical Race Theory Ilhan Omar Gets Torched for Remarks About Christians on Airplane Pelosi Dodges,…
The Insanity Continues: Arizona University's 'Unprecedented' Move Requires FOUR Diversity Classes for Graduation…move-requires-four-diversity-classes-for-graduation-n596676
race theory” indoctrination, to earn a degree. … ‘Because they do not incorporate critical theory which the [Diversity Curriculum Committee] expects of the courses it approves.’ … So-called “critical theory” has now not only metastasized throughout the curriculum of another major American university; it is also…
Report: The Army Will Force Female Soldiers to Shower With Biological Males…orce-female-soldiers-to-shower-with-biological-males-n596341
– Our remade idea of the Armed Forces emphasizes accommodation — while teaching Critical Race Theory and the evil history of the country…
Democrats' Woke War in Schools Backfires Spectacularly
– They are also smart enough to differentiate between teaching history and teaching Critical Race Theory, showing that Democrat attempts…
Sanity From Across the Pond on Race Relations
– The anti-critical race theory campaigner @kemibadenoch could be the next Prime Minister of the UK. … to home in my life, and that’s the promotion of critical race theory, that sees my blackness as victimhood and whiteness as oppression … … The poll suggests the recent controversy over the teaching of critical race theory in public schools — which played a crucial…
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