Results for: the big guy
Is This George Papadopoulos Really the Guy Who Will Bring Down Trump?
to Russia in the context of the 2016 election. … The outlier was the indictment of a guy named George Papadopoulos. … The Wikileaks metadata for the DNC emails indicates they only cover the period January to May.…
Bannon Takes Further Aim at Another Reliable Big Money GOP Donor
Anyway, his latest target is billionaire hedge fund guy, and big league GOP donor, Paul Singer. … No, Singer’s crime is that he funds the Washington Free Beacon, the outlet that recently outed itself as the conservative source of … big money donors, causing them to pull their support, and alienate the average voter, losing their support, as well.…
Paul Manafort Is in Custody, But Is Donald Trump in Trouble?
It’s the big question lingering in the back of many minds today. … Knowing what we know about the guy, his business dealings could have impacted the Trump campaign in ways we can’t yet see. … On the Right, outright denial from the farthest of the far Right has consumed them.…
John Boehner Unleashes on a Divisive Media and the "Echo Chamber"
Said Boehner:
“[Mark Levin] went really crazy right and got a big audience, and he dragged [Sean] Hannity to the dark side. … He dragged Rush to the dark side. And these guys—I used to talk to them all the time. … The “echo chambers” of media have widened the chasm between citizens, according to the former Speaker, creating a nation of low-info…
Here's What Happened When I Spoke Up Against Harassment
women and they were ready to go to the press about the issue. … The woman who had been one of my best friends at the time of the indecent proposal – the one I relayed the incident to as soon as it … This guy even lied about talking to me about it.
I wasn’t the only one targeted.…
I've Got a Fever and the Only Prescription is SENATOR Mitt Romney
replace him, though on the record sources cast doubt on the entire premise. … As Erick Erickson says:
Conservatives need someone who can help Mike Lee in the Senate and I’m not sure Romney is the guy. … I don’t see him as being a big value-add to the conservative side of the ledger. I see it as replacing Hatch with Hatch v2.0.…
What Trump Says vs. What Trump Does
Entitlements, the debt, the deficit — all of this is untouched.
And then there are the words.
Here’s the thing, Trumpers. … The same people will tell you, in the next breath, that the GOP is basically the same as the Democrats and it doesn’t really much matter … And another part of me says: eh, what’s the big deal?…
How A Special Forces Medic Won the Medal of Honor Because of CNN's Fraud and Misconduct
And the system being big enough to admit an error and right it.
I’m an infantry guy. Period. … With the arrival of the extraction helicopters, Rose returned to the outer defensive perimeter to engage the enemy and repel the continued … He said a guy named Neil Thorne, who worked with veterans of the MACV-SOG, wanted to put in a packet to upgrade his DSC.…
Former White House Aide Declares "Black Africans" as Our Nation's "Big Issue" (VIDEO)
Ok, if I were in the mood to be really generous with this guy, I’d write this off to his Hungarian-British upbringing. … Specifically, I’m talking about former White House aide, Sebastian Gorka, speaking about “our big issue” in the United States. … Go to — the city’s run by Democrats for 40 years,” he said.
“Black young men are murdering each other by the bushel.…
Hillary Clinton Is Guest Editing an Issue of Teen Vogue and It's Very Embarrassing
Also, somebody should tell Teen Vogue — and remind Clinton for that matter — that it’s common knowledge that the DNC felt the need … Before the letter begins in the issue Clinton guest-edited, big bold letters state “Hillary Clinton’s Letter to Her Teenage Self Is … ’s likely knowing what kind of guy he was.…
Jeff Flake Promises to Introduce Common Sense Gun Law to Close the Domestic Violence Loophole…common-sense-gun-law-close-domestic-violence-loophole-n79473…common-sense-gun-law-close-domestic-violence-loophole-n79473
As in so many of these cases, at some point the system broke down and a guy breaks a smallish law–buying a firearm which he is not … legally able to own–in order to break a very big law–murder, proving, yet again, that the one defining feature of criminals is that … the reach of the civilian authorities If there is actual physical violence, the military will more often than not let the local civilian…
President Trump Says He Knows Why Republican Ed Gillespie Lost in VA, and His Reason May Predict the Future
Now begins the analysis of why it happened. And President Trump has offered his theory.
The guy just wasn’t Trumpy enough. … Here’s the thing … and we’ll leave aside the speed with which Trump turned on the guy he was supporting. Where was I? … Expect this to be the message from his big boosters, too. Especially on social media.…
Silicon Valley Pioneer Officially Founds a New Religion Which Should Scare You
You know all those stories where there’s the guy with the pentagram and the holy water and he’s like, yeah, he’s sure he can control … “I fricking loved brainstorming with the guy. … It also calls to mind the moral and ethical discussions surrounding the development of nuclear weapons, the big difference being that…
A Contrary View: Deductions for State and Local Taxes Are Good Policy
Not all of them involve hurting the other guy. To illustrate, let me tell a story. … As it stands right now, this GOP plan is hitting the working upper middle class to give big tax breaks to the very wealthy. … I’m FOR big tax breaks for the wealthy. But I will fight them if they try to pay for them by taking it out of my hide.…
Trumpers Don't Get to Criticize the L.A. Times for Calling Sarah Sanders a "Chunky Soccer Mom"…ize-l-a-times-calling-sarah-sanders-chunky-soccer-mom-n79304…ize-l-a-times-calling-sarah-sanders-chunky-soccer-mom-n79304
Oh by the way, I notice you still have a cartoon of Sanders up calling her a “Big Mother.” … After all, Sanders gets up day after day and shills and lies for a guy who has said some of the worst possible things about women. … Just like the cheap partisans on the left. No better at all.…
The End of the Moderate Democrats
Many read the article as a signal that the Democratic Party is on its last ropes. … reading the political winds. … They seek an even greater transformation for the sake of transformation.
That’s a big difference.…
GQ Runs the Most Hilarious Correction of the Past Decade
Falling firmly on the “not so much” side of the ledger was this:
That is thoroughly woke. … The obvious reason Trump isn’t demanding the death penalty for the Las Vegas shooter is because he’s a white guy. … The people you should listen to. The big-brained thinkers who would rule you. In short, this is why you have Trump.…
Has Donald Trump Been Out-Trolled?
He is the kind of guy who goes out of his way to provoke, attack, and belittle his adversaries in whatever way possible. … Trump may very well be up against the greatest troll walking the earth today. … But his son, Lonzo Ball of the Los Angeles Lakers, hasn’t lived up to the hype.…
Wealthy Russian Oligarch Docks His Yacht in Palm Beach, but It's Probably Just a Coincidence…arch-docks-yacht-palm-beach-probably-just-coincidence-n79999…arch-docks-yacht-palm-beach-probably-just-coincidence-n79999
Let me give you the skinny, first. … He’s slipped his sea-bound palace, named the Eclipse, into the spot normally reserved for the Grand Celebration, a cruise ship that … So who is this guy?…
PTAB: DCs Latest Unaccountable, Power Grabbing Government Board
Indeed, other than the President, the Director of the CFPB is the single most powerful official in the entire United States Government … Oh look – Big Government and Big Business working tentacle-in-tentacle (they have tentacles, not hands and arms) to destroy the Little … Far too frequently – at the behest of huge companies far larger than are you or I.
Big Government and Big Business win.…
Yeah, About That Twitter Account That Alleged Bribery in the Roy Moore Scandal...…account-that-alleged-bribery-in-the-roy-moore-scandal-n79763…account-that-alleged-bribery-in-the-roy-moore-scandal-n79763
There is a sick irony here: some of the same people who whine about Big Media and “hearsay” love to breathlessly repeat literally any … And one of the damned stupid charges thrown around by the more partisan and careless Internet Moore Defenders was the charge that Washington … Thing is, the Twitter guy who first leveled the “bribery!”…
The Truths and Fictions of the Roy Moore Debacle
, the defenses against them, and the way the right is handling all things. … So the big issue on the Trump side is that this is a wild, unfounded accusation, concocted by the hated MSM, and is unfair and scary … But it does matter with regard to the idea of the big smear.…
New Yorker Publishes Entire Article About Roy Moore Full of Nothing but Hearsay
We’ve now reached the point in the Roy Moore story where Big Media will print just about anything. … the mall and the YMCA for hassling girls. … revealed at the big Gloria Allred press conference today.…
In Spite of Accusations, Alabama Pastors Cheer on Roy Moore
The letter reads:
“For decades, Roy Moore has been an immovable rock in the culture wars — a bold defender of the ‘little guy,’ a … “Judge Moore has stood in the gap for us, taken the brunt of the attack, and has done so with a rare, unconquerable resolve.” … Moore is firing back, even threatening to sue the Washington Post.
Somebody is not telling the truth.…
COLD: Former Trump Campaign Manager Dismisses Texas Church Massacre (Video)…ampaign-manager-dismisses-texas-church-massacre-video-n79691…ampaign-manager-dismisses-texas-church-massacre-video-n79691
Corey Lewandowski, the angry Lilliputian that once served as candidate Trump’s campaign manager is still making the rounds in defense … And yes, we have to know that question is going to be out there, given that gun-grabbing is a really big deal to the left. … things that the world cares about?”…