Yesterday marked another embarrassing day for America’s future. College students across the nation organized and protested against the premise of student debt and the fact that college costs money at all, calling for “tuition free schools.” These yahoos dubbed themselves “The Million Student March,” though if news reports are accurate, they should have called it the “Several Dozen Student March.”
So, here go the millennials again with their faux civil rights movements. Just since the end of October, there has been: the Halloween incident with the snowflakes at Yale, the #ConcernedStudent1950 and University of Missouri story, and now most recently, the #MillionStudentMarch. Someone ought to clue these entitled brats in to what a “civil right” is, and whether free college qualifies under the historical definition of the term.
It’s hard to say which of the three events is the most pathetic, but the Million Student March unbelievably gives the other two a run for their money.
Keely Mullen, the genius organizer of this whole shindig, joined Neil Cavuto on Fox Business Network to discuss the movement’s three demands: “cancellation” of the student debt, free tuition, and $15 an hour minimum wage for student workers on campus.
The embarrassing exchange can be seen below, thanks to the Washington Free Beacon:
Her parents must be so proud. I guess the people who work for the student loan companies, and the people who earn their pay providing a service (a college education), are not entitled to eat or feed their families; or at least not as entitled as Keely Mullen is to free stuff.
Ms. Mullen ludicrously claims that “1 in 2 American families are threatened with poverty,” a claim that raises the question: “Where is the line between an exaggeration and an outright lie?” According to the latest government figures, it is actually true that 1 in 6 Americans live in poverty. One in six Americans living in poverty is surely a problem, but 16% is a far cry from 50%. Maybe by “threatened with” poverty she means to include all the people who will be out of jobs if her ideas are put into place.
She studentsplains to Cavuto that the top 1% of America’s workforce should have to pay for all other Americans to go to college. You know, because the fact that they are millionaires and billionaires makes them indebted to everyone else for everything. Who could possibly disagree with the idea that people who have learned actually marketable skills should have to pay for everyone’s Women’s Studies degree?
After Cavuto crushes her dreams with pesky things like real math and logic, explaining that even if we used all the money from the richest people in the country and invested it all in just one entitlement, it would only sustain that entitlement for 3 years, Mullen incredulously replies with, “Yeah, I don’t believe that.”
I guess the old statement is true: you can lead a horse to water, but if it went to a liberal arts college it would bore you to death with a lecture about “critical water theory” rather than drink.
And isn’t that the entirety of the problem? These moronic millennials are not basing any of their faulty logic off of real life. Studies are worthless to them. Real math and statistics are inconsequential details. They want it to be, therefore it should be. Worry about adding it all up later. Or not at all. After all, it is someone else’s money.
This is so typical of liberal America. They want to never feel uncomfortable, therefore society is responsible for protecting them from feeling that way. They want a free pass to neglect a legal contract they signed to borrow money and pay it back. They want free higher education, free health care, and free birth control. They want, they want, they want.
And if you have the temerity to suggest that they should actually PAY FOR the things they want, they scream that you are denying them “access” to these things.
They are entitled to things simply because they want them, and anyone who can afford to pay the way for them should have to because, gosh darn it this is America. We have freedoms here. Why should successful people rightfully earning their own money be allowed to spend it for themselves? That’s just selfish.
Even when faced with a question about how America would avoid becoming another Greece, her laughable answer is simply that every place- the US and Greece included- has a one percent “ruling class” who should take care of its people. No, really. This is her only explanation. Again, there is no inkling in her empty head space of how math works. But “every country has a top one percent” sounds really catchy, therefore it is an acceptable answer.
The worst part about these college millennials and their ridiculous new “movements” is that they are actually doing damage to causes that usually have some kind of merit at their core. Bringing attention to the student debt crisis could have been a very noble cause, had they gone about this in a different way. But instead of using ration and logic, and proposing workable solutions to discuss, they operate off of sheer emotion and make themselves, and their causes, look stupid.
There is no logic behind any of these movements, which is also usually the case with the liberal policies propagating them. The unfortunate truth of life is that just because we want something does not mean we are entitled to it. Instead of society having a conversation about a real problem, we’re now too busy pointing and laughing at these morons. Better luck next time. Or not.
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