Water Cooler 6/19/2016 – OPEN THREAD – Shootings in Countries with Strict Gun Laws


It’s not a gun problem. It’s a heart problem.

The heart is deceitful above all things,
and desperately sick;
who can understand it? (Jer 17:9 ESV)


People kill other people for a variety of reasons. Looking at statistics is a complete waste of time because they all use different bias and basis for their data. Lies, damn lies, and statistics as they say. Here are some examples of shootings in other countries around the world.


Jo Cox, a member of parliament was stabbed and shot last week after she met with constituents in West Yorkshire.

Collins said Mair allegedly attacked Cox as she emerged from her car with two aides. Cox was stabbed repeatedly with a hunting knife and shot as she lay on the ground.

I’m not sure what the aides were doing, but being unable to carry weapons for defense there wasn’t much they could do. The UK has some of the most restrictive gun laws in the world.


A police officer and his female companion were killed in France last Tuesday.

The suspect, Larossi Abballa, a 25-year-old Frenchman once convicted of jihadi recruitment for Pakistan, staked out off-duty police commander Jean-Baptiste Savaing and stabbed him in front of his house in the suburb of Magnanville, about 35 miles (55 kilometers) west of Paris, according to police.


While this is not a shooting, it just goes to show that when you take the guns away from everyone, including police officers, people will find another way and you’ll be unable to defend yourself.

Papua New Guinea

Police opened fire on student protesters in Papua New Guinea on Wednesday.

“Police started swearing at the students, insulting them (and then) fired shots at them,” Anjo said. “I was lucky to escape … people ran for cover in all directions.”

Gun laws are restrictive in PNG, which shows if the general public has no way to defend themselves, the police can shoot at you without worrying about being shot at.

Christian Responses to Orlando

This is NOT how you do it.

THIS is how you do it.

That’s it for the Water Cooler today. Comments are back, so have at it.


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