CNN's New Year's Eve events have historically tended to get out of control.
Usually, it's because the hosts, like Anderson Cooper, Andy Cohen, or former CNN guy Don Lemon, indulge in adult libations for the occasion, and they embarrass themselves in ridiculous fashion.
Cohen and Cooper did, in fact, break out the tequila for the occasion, and the second shot Cooper took left him a little gasping. But by prior years' standards, it wasn't quite as bad in that regard, at least as to the hosts,
READ MORE: Report: The Struggle Is Real for CNN's New Year's Eve Hosts
This time, the attention wasn't because of the alcohol; it was because they got hit with a little too much reality by comedian Whitney Cummings, who was a guest on the show for the raucous evening. Her brutal remarks on the show went viral, and I can't imagine that the powers that be would be too happy with her set.
First, Cummings took out the network, as she expressed her belief that Americans are "more reasonable than they're being portrayed" while comparing the size of her comedy shows to the paltry viewership of the network.
That left Andy Cohen's mouth agape with how savage it was.
Then Cummings moved on to nuke the Democrats. She even hit on Hunter Biden's laptop.
There was this sort of brilliant combination of things when she hit on the Democrats forcing Kamala down our throats and Big Pharma all in one. She apparently thought she was going to get the segment pulled. That didn't happen but she did get a big reaction from Andy Cohen again.
"2024 fried our brains. Democrats couldn't hold a primary because they were too busy holding a body upright," she said, skewering Joe Biden and the cover-up of his cognitive decline.
"Are we still rolling? Am I off?" she wondered.
"It was amazing that the 'pro-choice party' didn't give their voters one when it came to the presidential candidate. Kamala was forced on us so hard you'd think she was patented by Pfizer...or Moderna...Andy just gave me a very scary look..."
Cummings also argued that the country wasn't as divided as some would have you think. She noted there were some things that the establishment media never seems to want to cover, like questions about one of the attempted assassins who went after President Donald Trump.
That was all pretty much spot on, and I'm surprised that it did run, although they tend to let things go on New Year's Eve and deal with the fallout later. She said on X later, "List the lies I told," and confessed that she was scared when she was doing it.
Since I only have a minute left and I’m live on an establishment media, I figured I’d list some of things mainstream media will never cover: The first trump shooter didn’t have any silverware in his house, The Crown prince of Saudi Arabia put money into Disney, why is fluoride still in our water? Monsanto paid Google to skew search results, why are so many presidents chefs dead?
Chances they have her back? I doubt it, but it was terrific and good on her for hitting on some real issues that you might never see that network actually take on regularly. She did a great job taking them all down.
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