The Atlantic's Cringeworthy Defense of Kamala, As Her Weird Woke Video Doesn't Go Over Well

AP Photo/LM Otero

It''s pretty funny that the left tried to use "weird" to hang on JD Vance. 

If completing college in two years summa cum laude, being a Yale Law grad, writing a best-selling book, and being a U.S. Marine is weird, sign me up for more weird. That's a smart person who achieves and cares about his country, unlike so many on the left. 


While the left wants to paint that as "weird," there's the truly weird on the left — like Kamala Harris. There are so many examples of her not even being able to communicate without going into a wild word salad or cackling her brains out. 

'Weird': The Harris Campaign's Line of Attack Against JD Vance Isn't Going Well

Take the clip that started going viral on Monday from the 2017 Recode's annual Code Conference, in which Harris insisted that everyone must be "woke."

"We have to stay woke. Like, everybody needs to be woke," Kamala insisted, then cackling loudly. 

"You can talk about if you're the wokest or woker. But just stay more woke than less woke." 

You can see the blonde woman on her right, Laurene Jobs, just looking at her, wondering what the heck?  

No, we don't have to be woke, but this is what the left thinks — if you do not comply with their radicalism, you are the "weird" one, not them, the folks who want to upend all norms and who can't even define what a woman is. 

But is there any wonder when you see things like this that they don't want Harris to answer questions or do interviews? Or why she's running away from a Fox debate with Trump that isn't going to be controlled by a friendly liberal media outlet? 


The GOP should run this as an ad from now until November, with the higher prices for everything running on the side and at the end saying, "Go woke, go broke."

Even Elon Musk had trouble believing that the woke clip was real and had a big laugh.

So, how do you solve a problem like Kamala when this is who you have to spin for an election? Now, that's a real problem for the Democrats and media. 

But The Atlantic is trying. Check out their attempt to repackage all this into some acceptable form. 

"Kamala Harris’s viral moments are fun to watch, because they show a serious person having, well, fun," they say, "Her oddball charms match the cultural moment."

If that weren't bad enough, the article itself is a bootlicking festival.

Harris’s laugh has already been much dissected—with sexist overtones—but that giggle is just a small part of her larger performance of authenticity. 

Let's start with the fact that they don't show a "serious person having fun" they show cringe moments of someone having difficulty communicating and being inauthentic. It's a "performance" alright — but not at all charming. Yes, the clips are funny — to mock. They show anything but a serious or competent person. And now, commenting on cackling is sexist? Since when? It's another way to try to undercut criticism, but it's just silly. 


The funniest thing about this ridiculous defense from The Atlantic is that it basically admits that she is...wait for it..."weird." 

Let's check the Merriam-Webster's synonyms for "oddball." In addition to "nut," "nutcase," "kook," "flake," and "freak," we find "weirdo." 

So, thanks, guys, for confirming who is really "weird" here. 


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