'Weird': The Harris Campaign's Line of Attack Against JD Vance Isn't Going Well

AP Photo/Stefan Jeremiah

Of all the attacks Kamala Harris's team could have launched against Donald Trump's VP pick, J.D. Vance, calling him "weird," was probably the worst choice. If Vance has a quirk, it's his millennial bluntness, but anyone who has any experience hanging out with millennials — particularly millennials on the right — it's a pretty common trait that I would argue is a necessary counter to the multi-generational penchant for political correctness on the left. 


I'm struggling to see anything weird about Vance, and I'm not just saying that because I plan to vote for Trump, but I have no doubt that leftists absolutely do find him weird, and I can confidently say that this actually reveals more about the left's mentality than it does the right's. 

According to The Hill, Vance's "weirdness" comes from his purported views about women: 

The Harris campaign said Sunday that Vance had “a weird night on Fox News” after he was questioned Trey Gowdy about his criticism of childless Americans. The senator said Democrats have taken his comments out of context but that “the left has incredibly become explicitly antichild and antifamily.”

One former party official says the word sums up how Republicans are acting right now.

“I think it puts a finger on something that Democrats have had a hard time to articulate, which is that these guys who want to be in the OB’s room, they want to be in your bedroom, they want to make all these decisions in your life — it’s weird. It’s hard to put a finger on how to say it, but I think ‘weird’ is the best we’ve got. I think it’s very potent and effective,” said Clayton Cox, former Democratic National Committee (DNC) national finance director.

The Hill gets quotes from other Democrats using the word over and over again. It's your typical Democrat tactic of "repeat a word until it becomes synonymous with the subject" tactic. 


Could it work? Absolutely...or at least it would in an information vacuum, which the Democrat Party doesn't have anymore. Thanks to the internet, the "Vance is weird" line of attack has already been turned into a meme that isn't working out in the Harris campaign's favor, as you can see below. 

I could go on. 

The point is that the Harris campaign, and indeed the Democrat Party, has no business calling anyone else "weird," when they surround themselves with lunatics, fringe kink groups, and communists. 

Oh, just to remind you, Harris isn't a stranger to advocating for communist ideas which, given the ideologies propensity for failure and its kill-count in the hundreds of millions, isn't exactly normal.

Harris and the left are, at this time, so radicalized that it sees everything to the right of psychopathic as "weird" and "extreme." If they think Vance is weird, then they must think the vast majority of people in the United States are weird. 


I have a tip for the left. If you're dressed up in an elaborate costume, flailing your arms around in some form of interpretive dance while decrying capitalism and describing yourself as "non-binary," and you're doing this in a room filled with people who are dressed normally, converse normally, and have no confusion about who they are or what their identity is...then you're the weird one. 

Democrats have spent the last few years dragging America further and further down a path it clearly didn't want to go out of some misguided delusion that radicalism should be the new normal, but if you have to subversively introduce your ideas through pre-established avenues or even force them into businesses and schools through politically based programs because they aren't catching on by themselves, then perhaps the ideas you're pushing are just too weird to begin with. 

Vance's ideas aren't weird. Many of them are adopted naturally. 

Moreover, if you're having to rely on the media to carry your water and force a lie on the people repeatedly in order to get them to believe it, then maybe your ideas aren't very good. In fact, they're probably too weird for people, and maybe this artificial normalization you're attempting is just as weird seeing as how it's right out of "1984," which warned of a weird future where the government had to force its weirdness through everyone via brainwashing. 


Vance is right. The left has become anti-family and anti-child. Their entire platform revolves around destroying what works in order to implement something that demonstrably doesn't. 

If Vance is weird, then I don't want to be what the left calls "normal." 

But that's exactly what the left wants. It wants you to think that their fringe nonsense is normal. They're doing whatever they can in order to push their radicalism as the new American values that you should adopt if you want to be considered a good, normal person. To be sure, that aforementioned media vacuum would allow for many low-info voters to be taken in by it, but the internet's denizens stand in the way of it. 

Your best friend is information distribution and the freedom of said distribution, which as you can see by the various reports coming out that the left is desperately trying to control right now. Shutting down the spread of information is what big tech and the left excel at, because they hold a lot of the power to do so. This includes trying to silence us, one of those inconvenient fact distributors. 

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