Double Standards: Media Spins Biden's 'Bullseye' Language While Claiming 'Republicans Pounce'

AP Photo/Susan Walsh

As we reported, Melania Trump hit back at the dehumanizing of her husband in the very powerful statement she issued earlier on Sunday. I wrote earlier about "What is the Measure of a Man" in regard to Donald Trump and Joe Biden's reaction to the assassination attempt. But Melania's statement was the words of a woman talking about the basic humanity of her husband and her love for him. It was all worth reading, but this was perhaps the most riveting part. 


I am thinking of you, my fellow Americans. 

The winds of change have arrived. For those of you who cry in support, I thank you. I commend those of you who have reached out beyond the political divide – thank you for remembering that every single politician is a man or woman with a loving family.

READ MORE: NEW: Melania Trump Issues Powerful Statement Following Attempted Assassination of Donald Trump

What Is the Measure of a Man?

Perhaps one of the worst offenders in the demonizing and dehumanizing rhetoric has been Joe Biden. He's largely refused to even call Trump by his proper title or his real name. This is actually a thing that many do on the left, and he has fed that, not even according Trump the respect he is due as his predecessor and a human being.

Five days before the shooting, Joe Biden made remarks in which he made it clear he was tired of having to defend his poor debate performance, and he tried to shift the focus to Trump. What he said is now getting a lot of eyes because of the assassination attempt, and some are pointing to it. 


"We need to move forward. Look, we have roughly 40 days til the convention, 120 days til the election. We can’t waste any more time being distracted,” Biden said in a private call with donors Monday, according to a recording obtained by POLITICO.

“I have one job, and that’s to beat Donald Trump. I’m absolutely certain I’m the best person to be able to do that. So, we’re done talking about the debate, it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye,” Biden said.

Had Trump said it and been president at the time, you know they probably would have tried to impeach him. Indeed, he didn't even do as much in regard to Jan. 6 -- when he urged people to act "peacefully and patriotically" -- yet he's still blamed by Democrats for the riot, even though he spoke against violence. 

Let's recall the insanity of how Democrats blamed Republicans for the Gabby Giffords shooting because of the cross-hair ads targeting her district.


Yet, here's USA Today's take when it applies to the language of Joe Biden. They even used the classic "Republicans pounced." 

Republicans pounced on Biden's remarks after the shooting, even though there is no evidence trying those comments to the attack on Trump or the shooter's motivation. 

Somehow the rules are always different when it comes to Democrats. If a Republican says something, we'll cook up reasons why it's bad. But if a Democrat says it, even if it matches what we just said about a Republican, it's "D" different. They don't apply the rules the same way. 

The bullseye comment is not just "one (bad night) comment' -- the problem is how Biden and the left have continually targeted Trump as the devil, Hitler, not worthy of respect or being treated like a normal opponent, dehumanizing him, calling him an existential "threat to democracy." 

The left doesn't care about the results of what they whip up, they only care about winning and control. So they don't care who their demonization hurts. Biden hasn't cared enough to provide more security for Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and there are now also reports that the Trump team asked for more security and didn't get it. There's going to be an investigation into the failures here. 


But one of the biggest "failures" has been Biden and the "save democracy" crew upending all norms about how to deal with their opponents in order to win. 

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