Former Biden Opponents Dish on How to Debate Him, What Will Set Him Off, and How He's Declined

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

There's been a lot of speculation about the upcoming debate between Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump next Friday. Biden is purportedly going to be hunkering down at Camp David preparing until then. 


There have been all kind of leaks about from the Biden team and I don't think they've been good for them, saying to expect "surprises" about his "content and physical performance" as well as other reports suggesting he was going to be more aggressive and call Trump a "convicted felon," likely hoping that would trigger Trump. 

As I said, I don't think that's going to work or trigger Trump, and he should just flip it back to Biden's failures. There were even reports he was practicing mock debates and standing for 90 minutes. 

When you have to practice standing for 90 minutes, there just may be a problem. 

But the thing that is true is that Biden doesn't like being challenged and is very easily triggered. We've seen it many times including him even flipping out on voters and calling them names when he doesn't like what they have to say to him. He's cursed out voters, calling one "fat," and even called one a "dog faced pony soldier." And he doesn't think he works for us as he revealed in this March 10, 2020 video. 

Warning for graphic language: 



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Now former opponents of Joe Biden are dishing about what they think and what Trump can do. 

“What I tried to do was to get him upset. He has a short fuse. And that was our whole strategy,” said John M. Burris, a former majority leader of the Delaware House of Representatives who lost to Biden in his 1984 US Senate campaign. [...]

“Somebody like Trump coming at you can really make Joe very mad and upset,” added Burris, 78.

Burris is friendly with Biden and said he didn't think he should be running. 

“I don’t want Joe to run, because I care about him. I want him to go home and enjoy his legacy rather than take four more years. It’s just such a draining job,” Burris said. “He is the same guy, but not quite as quick.

“It’s not going to be very pleasant to watch,” Burris sighed. “I think Trump is going to try and make Joe look old, and not be able to handle the facts and pressures.”

Wow, a Democrat who is actually honest, and caring about Biden. Too bad there aren't others like this. And now that he's admitting that Biden is "not quite as quick," watch him be frozen out of the Biden orbit if he's still in it. 


Then there was M. Jane Brady, a former prosecutor and later Delaware’s attorney general, who Biden faced in 1990.  She is a Republican and she thinks that he's gone downhill. 

“I watched a piece of the debate he had with Trump four years ago and you don’t even see the same person you had four years ago. That’s pretty clear to people,” Brady said.

Brady suggested that Trump should be patient, let Biden speak and try to explain himself. 

“I think he will find it difficult to provide clarity to the issues he is talking about.” That's a great point too, that the more Biden speaks the more the confusion will be to come out. They've so prepared him, I expect it's likely to all be a jumble in his head. 

Both points are great, about letting him rambling and challenging him in a way guaranteed to set him off. The more he talks, the more unhinged he's likely to be and the more people who may not watch him as much as we do are likely to see it. 


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