De Niro Finds Out There Are Consequences for Losing His Mind Outside the Trump Trial

AP Photo/Ted Shaffrey

The Biden campaign showing up at the Trump trial last week, right before the case was handed off to the jury, raised an outcry about how they were now confirming the political nature of the trial. They took the norms, tossed them to the ground, and stomped all over them with their actions. And they might have interfered in Donald Trump's ability to get a fair trial in the process. 


But one of the more ridiculous aspects of their incredibly bad move was bringing along actor Robert De Niro to rant and lose his mind. De Niro even said he was going to be involved in the campaign, speaking out against Trump. Although after his disaster, if they had any sense -- and they don't -- they should be reconsidering that.


Biden Campaign Holds Wild Presser Outside Trump Trial, With Special Guest... Robert De Niro?

They brought him because, in typical leftist fashion, they think someone will be influenced by what a Hollywood actor thinks. They don't really care what Americans, who are suffering with Bidenflation, think. But they will foist this guy on us. 

Here's a sample of how off the rails he went. He called millions of Trump supporters "clowns," and claimed our government as we know it would perish from the Earth, if Trump wins. 

He even spoke about 9/11, and said that Trump wanted to destroy the city and the country--and he could eventually destroy the world. 


De Niro was heckled by New Yorkers as he left, including people who called him a "mook" and "washed-up."

Now it looks like he's suffering some consequences for the partisan insanity from the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB):

The NAB was set to honor De Niro with its prestigious NAB Leadership Foundation’s Service to America Award next week. But the "proudly bipartisan" group rescinded the accolade after De Niro attended a Biden-Harris press conference and slammed former President Trump as a "danger" to Americans who "wants to destroy" New York City and the nation. 

"This event is proudly bipartisan, uniting those from across the political spectrum to celebrate the impactful work of local broadcasters and our partners," an NAB spokesperson told The Hill. 

"While we strongly support the right of every American to exercise free speech and participate in civic engagement, it is clear that Mr. De Niro’s recent high-profile activities will create a distraction from the philanthropic work that we were hoping to recognize," the spokesperson continued. "To maintain the focus on service of the award winners, Mr. De Niro will no longer be attending the event."


Good for them. There are few who stand on principle anymore. And it's good that they're not forgetting about some 75-plus million people. The NAB may also have been worried that, in addition to the trouble that De Niro had already made, that he might say something crazy about Trump at their event. He's made similar comments in the past at events.

Their statement dropping De Niro couldn't happen to a more deserving person. I'd like to think the decision would make De Niro rethink his ways, but he's too far gone. We'll likely see him doing some more crazy things between now and the election. 


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