Trump Drawing Thousands to Rally in Wildwood As People Camp Out on New Jersey Beach Overnight

AP Photo/Matt Rourke

While Joe Biden is in Seattle campaigning, seemingly not getting much of a reaction from the public in a liberal city, apart from the couple of hundred who paid money to get into his fundraising event, former President Donald Trump is going to be in Wildwood, New Jersey, for a rally at 5:00 p.m. on Saturday--and he's getting a big crowd out already. 


READ MORE:  Biden in Seattle: Difficulty Understanding What He's Saying, Climate Hypocrisy, Plagiarism from Trump

People have been reportedly camping out for days on the beach to get into the rally near Morey's Pier. I have a friend there who camped out on the beach overnight and woke up to hundreds of people around him. But he has a seat in the third row, so it looks like it paid off for him. He may be able to provide us with an interesting take and some good pictures of the event. New Jersey is a deep-blue state, but you wouldn't know it from this rally, although this area is more red than some areas of New Jersey. 

Here are some images from OANN correspondent Daniel Baldwin. This is at 7 a.m.--when Trump is speaking at 5 p.m: 

People weathered the conditions:

People started lining up on the boardwalk as early as Thursday, braving chilled winds for a chance at seeing the presumptive Republican presidential nominee for the November’s general election close up. It is not yet clear how many people will be in attendance, but local officials have estimated that a crowd of up to 40,000 could fit in the space.

Many people on the boardwalk were wearing Trump T-shirts and hats, with several supporters carrying Trump-themed flags that towered high above the boardwalk.

A handful of people who were lining up on the cold and overcast Friday afternoon came from various parts of the Garden State, while others journeyed from other states as far as Tennessee.


More showing up: 

Pretty massive crowd: 

My friend's shot from his seat: 

It's already packed, with more coming in, as I said, hours ahead of the start time. 

Trump was there in 2020, and had a crowd of about 7,000 people. I think it's safe to say that he's going to exceed that with this event on Saturday. 


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