John Oliver Tries Silly Effort to 'Bribe' Clarence Thomas, but Mic Drop Response Just Levels Him

AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite, File

The left's hatred of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has been burning bright for years. 

But they have ramped it up with all kinds of conspiracy theories about his wife and other ridiculous efforts because they can't stand that he's such a brilliant conservative black justice. They're also afraid that he's going to rule against them on matters pertaining to former President Donald Trump. 


The latest and perhaps one of the stupidest efforts so far have been from HBO's "Last Week Tonight" host John Oliver, who offered Thomas a million dollars a year as long as he/Oliver are alive, plus a $2.4 million tour bus, if he gets "the f**k off the Supreme Court." 

Gee, that sure looks like bribery. Oliver thinks it's funny, because he's driven down the rabbit hole of leftist conspiracy when it comes to Thomas. No, they have nothing on Thomas, and they aren't interested in real questions, for example, about Justice Sonia Sotomayor and the use of staff to help push her book sales. 

READ MORE: New Sotomayor Ethics Questions Would Have Dems Demanding Impeachment If It Were Thomas

Oliver doesn't realize he's actually proving just how effective Thomas is and how afraid the left is of him that they're willing to go to such lengths. 


They also don't get how much better than them he is and how much he's had to withstand from the left over the years, from the very beginning. 

Journalist Lara Logan skewered this silliness. 

But perhaps the best response was from Judicial Crisis Network President Carrie Severino, who used to clerk for Justice Thomas. She posted Thomas' response to attacks from the media that we previously reported on, and it's just mic-drop perfect here. 

Thomas said one of his responses to the media back then when they talked about how he does his job was, “I will absolutely leave the Court when I do my job as poorly as you do yours." Now that's the perfect burn, and Thomas wryly added, "And that was meant as a compliment," as he laughed with a deep, delightful laugh. 


"It really is good to be me," Thomas said, continuing to laugh as he just squashed the media nonsense. 

In other words, you silly people aren't getting him out, no matter how much nonsense you push. 

See also:

SCOTUS Declines High School Affirmative Action Case; Alito, Thomas Issue Scorching Dissent

Dick Durbin Needs to Shut the Hell Up About Clarence Thomas and the Trump 14th Amendment Case


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