Time for Joe to Sweat? Comer Announces About Two Dozen Subpoenas for Biden Family Coming

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer appeared on "Sunday Morning Futures" with Maria Bartiromo on Fox on Sunday and announced more news in the case of the Biden family scandal that should make Joe Biden sweat. 


Comer has found a lot of intriguing evidence so far. That includes even things like a $40,000 payout to Joe Biden that were laundered through others, Comer said. Comer noted how that $40,000 check that Biden got was in line with what Tony Bobulinski had previously revealed about "10 percent for the big guy," the big guy meaning Joe Biden. 

He also said they connected the $40,000 back to the WhatsApp message Hunter Biden sent demanding the Chinese business associates come across with what he thought they owed. He claimed Joe Biden was in the room when he sent that message. Comer said the money came from China and was 'further evidence that Joe Biden benefitted from his family's influence peddling scheme."

Comer explained the case had been difficult because they'd been obstructed along the way as they tried to gather evidence from the various departments controlled by the Biden administration, including the FBI and the DOJ,  But now, he said they have enough bank accounts where they can trace the money and "connect the dots."


"That's called money laundering. This was a very organized criminal enterprise by the Biden family," Comer declared. This wasn't just some drug addict making wild transactions, he said, perhaps referencing Hunter Biden't ridiculous op-ed claiming pursuing this alleged financial corruption was somehow demonizing his drug addiction. 

"And the reason they did these complicated transactions, was to disguise the source of the revenue and to deceive the IRS from paying taxes," Comer alleged.

He explained that we were going to be hearing a lot about "loans" in the future in the case, because that was an integral part of "money laundering," to try to not have the money coming in taxed by the IRS.  He said that this could raise potential tax fraud questions with the IRS, in addition to the money laundering issues. 

Comer then told Bartiromo the subpoenas for the Biden family were "imminent" and he thought "it was going to be a big week."  He said that the head of the House Judiciary Committee Jim Jordan was going to be questioning Special Counsel David Weiss this week, that more documents would be dropping as to the loans, and that his Committee was getting more bank documents in. 


Comer suggested there would be about two dozen subpoenas coming in the "very near future." We've proven the influence peddling of the family, he asserted, now we're also showing the benefit to Joe Biden himself. 

Part of this process was laying out all the evidence to get all the Republicans on board. Comer noted, now, even Politico who had questioned his investigation was publishing a story about how Joe Biden had lied on the issue. 

Sounds like he's being very thorough to make sure everyone is on board.  Grab the popcorn, the imminent subpoenas will likely reveal even more. Watch Joe Biden sweat and meltdown when Biden family members have to testify. 


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