As we reported, Elon Musk posted a poll on Sunday asking people if they wanted him to step down as head of Twitter. He said that he would stand by the results of the poll. The “yes” votes prevailed in the poll.
Musk has not yet said whether or when he will be stepping back, although many thought that the poll might be an indication that he’d found a CEO. He never said that he was going to be running the day-to-day operations. Indeed, he said he would be appointing a CEO when he took over. He laughed at a story on Tuesday that he had been looking for a CEO since before the Twitter poll.
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) December 20, 2022
It’s not clear if he’s found anyone. As we reported, he suggested there was “no successor” who wanted to keep “Twitter alive,” a concerning thought. Others speculated that he might be thinking about President Donald Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner because Musk was seen in the same box as him at the final game of the World Cup in Qatar. Choosing Kushner would give everybody on the left apoplexy.
But the HarrisX Overnight Poll might give him some other ideas. The poll asking if he should stay on was “pushed live at 7pm EST on December 18, an hour after Elon Musk’s tweet asking whether or not he should stay on or step down as Twitter CEO, and was pulled from field at 3pm EST on December 19.”
The poll found the majority said he should stay on as head. 53 percent of Americans said he should continue as CEO of Twitter, polling 1028 respondents.
That number went up even more when they polled Twitter users. 61 percent said he should stay on and 39 percent said he should step down.
Now, that’s a scientific poll, not a Twitter poll. Elon Musk responded, indicating he thought the Twitter poll he ran might have been affected by bots.
Interesting. Suggest that maybe we might still have an itsy bitsy bot problem on Twitter …
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) December 20, 2022
He did not indicate whether that influenced his opinion.
But another Harvard-Harris poll lends more support to Musk, as well as to the significance in the public’s eyes of the revelations of the Twitter files.
Liberal media and other folks on the left are pushing the fiction that the revelation in the Twitter files is a “nothing burger.”
But according to that poll, taken over Dec. 14-15, Americans showed they were following along and it wasn’t a “nothing burger” to them. They delivered a damning indictment of old Twitter.
64 percent thought that Twitter engaged in political censorship before the last presidential election. 64 percent believed Twitter had been secretly shadow-banning users making sure their tweets were not seen by others. 61 percent believed that the decision to ban tweets about the Hunter Biden laptop was based on political bias. A plurality of 48 percent thought that Twitter executives during the last election were trying to help Joe Biden.
69 percent thought that Twitter executives were working with government officials to censor Tweets that questioned COVID. 68 percent considered it a violation of the First Amendment. 74 percent thought if Twitter was working with government officials to censor Americans, that Twitter executives should be criminally prosecuted.
61 percent thought Elon Musk was trying to clean up Twitter from abuses. Those numbers supporting Musk seem right on target with what the HarrisX Overnight Poll found. 57 percent said advertisers should continue to work with Twitter. 67 percent thought the revelations in the Twitter files should be investigated more thoroughly by Congress and the FBI.
Just 40 percent thought that the mainstream media is fair and unbiased. 63 percent believed that the mainstream media supports political censorship.
I’m thinking that if Musk is going to be checking polls, these are far more representative than the results of his last Twitter poll about stepping down. He may want to take these more to heart, because they do show support for him and what he’s trying to do.
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