WH Busted on Huge Biden Hypocrisy, but Psaki Doesn't Handle It Well

AP Photo/Susan Walsh

There was a lot of news this week, but I didn’t want to miss talking about how one very important Biden hypocrisy caught up to him this week during a White House press briefing.


When President Donald Trump was in office, Joe Biden took every effort to blame all the COVID deaths on him.

But now that Biden is in office and there have been more deaths under Biden than there were under Trump, even with vaccines and treatments, Biden and the media are strangely silent about those numbers. Biden is, of course, not taking any responsibility for those numbers.

But White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki was asked by Fox’s Peter Doocy about Biden’s prior comments on the subject attacking President Trump, when there were 220,000 COVID deaths, that “anyone who is responsible for that many deaths should not remain as President of the United States.”

Doocy asked Psaki if that was “still the standard now that more Americans have died under President Biden than President Trump.”

Now, what can Psaki say? There isn’t anything that can justify Biden’s position. So, when there is no real answer, break out the lies.

“I think the fundamental question here is what are you doing to save lives and protect people?” Psaki said, further claiming that Trump “was suggesting people inject bleach” and “continued to provide a forum for misinformation” that led to low vaccination rates.

Psaki said there is a “stark difference” to approaches by Trump and Biden to combat the coronavirus and insisted the president is trying to “help solve this crisis” and get the “pandemic under control.”

Doocy also asked Psaki what happened to Biden’s promise to “shut down” COVID-19. “We’re working on it,” she responded, telling reporters that a return to normalcy hinges on Americans getting vaccinated.


Trump, of course, never said what Psaki claimed — he never suggested people inject bleach. She falsely claimed Trump was positive when it was a false positive, according to White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, followed by two negative tests.

Plus in terms of what one was doing to save lives, Trump did far more than Biden has ever done. Trump was the one who — through the dint of pushing a private and public partnership — got vaccines developed in record time. That has saved countless lives all around the world now.

So, he gave Biden a tremendous leg up with that. All Biden had to do is continue with what Trump got underway and still, even with vaccines and subsequent treatments, Biden has had more deaths. He just doesn’t want to own them now, when he tried to tag Trump with them.

Biden has failed to employ that “plan” he promised he had to shut down the virus. Psaki claimed they’re “working on it.” I’m confused — wasn’t he supposed to employ that plan when he first came in? What’s the hold-up? Of course, there was no “plan”; that was a lie to help him in the election. But the problem with sticking with that argument now, saying that you’re going to “shut it down,” is that they can’t get on the same page with each other — or with the truth.

Here’s CDC Director Rochelle Walensky admitting that it will likely not go away and become endemic.


That’s the truth. But saying they are “working on it” is continuing to deny that truth.


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