Fredo-an Slip: CNN's Chris Cuomo Admits His Bias In Telling Remark About Georgia Results

Facts first, CNN declares. But of course, when it comes to CNN, it’s always bias first. Forget about facts.

That’s been self-evident throughout the campaign, where their “objective” news people attacked President Donald Trump constantly while covering Joe Biden’s rather significant and continuing gaffes and confusion.


So when the numbers being reported appeared to show both Democrats might have won their races in Georgia, it’s perhaps no surprise when Chris Cuomo let the mask down completely.

Cuomo was talking to Lemon around 12:00 a.m. which was when Jon Ossoff got his big jump in the vote count. Up to that point Sen. David Perdue had been ahead, sometimes by as much as 120,000.

From Newsbusters:

“So, I’ll tell you who won tonight, we already know, you did. Once again a beautiful display of democracy in action,” Cuomo declared. And despite accusing Georgia of being a hotbed of voter suppression just last summer, he went on to declare that “We’re not getting any funny business out of the state of Georgia. The officials are content with how it’s going.”

Bringing it back around to confidence in the result, Cuomo boasted: “We know on the numbers that we have, we won.” But Fredo realized what he just blurted out and immediately added: “democracy won.”

While some have called the race for Ossoff, others are still waiting. Cuomo naturally couldn’t wait to reveal his lack of objectivity.


This isn’t the first time Cuomo has said the quiet part out loud, as my colleague Sister Toldjah reported. He admitted they do their job based on who is in power. Republicans – attack everything, they’re evil, Democrats – talk about how they love people, report on their dogs and socks.

“It’s going to be very interesting to see how the narrative unfolds,” Cuomo said in November. “You know for people like us, we do the job based on who’s in power but this is going to be very interesting.”

No kidding. All of this is about getting power for the Democrats, with CNN and other liberal media as willing minions in the quest and they don’t even hide it anymore.


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