The NY Post story about the laptop of alleged Hunter Biden emails has rocked the last days of the election.
Given a year of extremes and unusual things, perhaps it’s right in line with that. It’s 2020.
Some on the left have suggested the emails are not real despite the fact that email addresses are real and there are allegedly pictures and videos of Hunter Biden on the laptop that have been published by the NY Post.
But now comes evidence that may put paid to that argument. This may be game, set and match, right here.
One of the people involved in the email thread which allegedly appears to involve a payout to Joe Biden as part of a deal with a Chinese energy firm has confirmed the authenticity of the email.
From Fox News:
One email, dated May 13, 2017, and obtained by Fox News, includes a discussion of “remuneration packages” for six people in a business deal with a Chinese energy firm. The email appeared to identify Hunter Biden as “Chair / Vice Chair depending on agreement with CEFC,” in an apparent reference to now-bankrupt CEFC China Energy Co.
The email includes a note that “Hunter has some office expectations he will elaborate.” A proposed equity split references “20” for “H” and “10 held by H for the big guy?” with no further details. Fox News spoke to one of the people who was copied on the email, who confirmed its authenticity.
Sources told Fox News that “the big guy” is a reference to the former vice president. The New York Post initially published the emails and other controversial messages that Fox News has also obtained.
Now it should be noted that the email is after Joe Biden’s time in office, May 13, 2017. That said, what was involved in this and was it for favors while in office? Even if it were completely after his term in office, the connection to the Chinese company and what would be a lie about not being involved in his son’s business affairs would be explosive.
This was on top of a May 2014 email from Burisma advisor Vadym Pozharskyi that asked for Hunter Biden’s help in stopping “politically motivated actions.” “We urgently need your advice on how you could use your influence to convey a message / signal, etc. to stop what we consider to be politically motivated actions,” it read according to Fox.
An email also asked for “influential current and/or former US [sic] policy-makers to Ukraine” to help PR and stop any investigation against the head of Burisma. Another thanked Hunter for the introduction to his father and said it was a “great pleasure.”
Biden’s team has not ruled out hat he might have met informally with Pozharskyi.
The Biden team’s response to these latest allegations was interesting, trying to suggest that investigations by the press and congressional committees have debunked that there was any wrongdoing.
Biden campaign spokesman Andrew Bates also said: “Investigations by the press, during impeachment, and even by two Republican-led Senate committees whose work was decried as ‘not legitimate’ and political by a GOP colleague have all reached the same conclusion: that Joe Biden carried out official U.S. policy toward Ukraine and engaged in no wrongdoing. Trump administration officials have attested to these facts under oath.”
But again just like they didn’t ultimately deny the possibility of the meeting with Pozharskyi, they didn’t deny the specific story allegations about the new email.
Biden campaign statement is below and included in the story. But shouldn’t the statement be a yes or no the payments happened/didn’t happen? pic.twitter.com/WF7VyFKp7k
— Philip Melanchthon Wegmann (@PhilipWegmann) October 17, 2020
The media CANNOT ignore this for 18 days.
A Source included on Hunter Biden emails confirms they're real & that “the big guy” is referring to Joe Biden.
“The big guy” aka Joe Biden was listed to get a payout from a Chinese energy company. This is nuts.https://t.co/W9GaXBw8eN
— Abigail Marone 🇺🇸 (@abigailmarone) October 17, 2020
Now how are they going to dispute this? But they will do their best to try.
HT: Twitchy
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