The Democratic convention was an express embrace of the BLM in song and word, with the Democrats even Barack Obama, simply denying violence and calling them “peaceful protesters.”
Here’s a little sample of that embrace.
Thanks @theebillyporter + Steven Stills for helping us close night one of the #DemConvention! 🎵
So much more to come! Come back tomorrow ⬇️https://t.co/NEJtNqxFPV pic.twitter.com/vqXfLCUVfk
— 2020 #DemConvention 🇺🇸 (@DemConvention) August 18, 2020
"BLM" spelled out in kid blocks in Sen. Warren's background here. We see you Liz. pic.twitter.com/gDlmH3NTVV
— Pod Save America (@PodSaveAmerica) August 20, 2020
Democrats seem unable to condemn the violence.
But Democratic polling must be very bad at this point. All the indications are that President Donald Trump has pulled more or less even with Joe Biden in polls, which likely mean he is really ahead if you count the “hidden Trump” vote. A large part of it is likely the Democratic embrace of the BLM, the failure of Democratic governors, mayors and DAs to do anything about it.
Suddenly, it seems, that Democrats may finally be discovering some of the bad behavior.
Suddenly, there are signs that Democrats are flipping on the bad behavior.
D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser, who actually had “Black Lives Matter” painted on the streets, even renamed a street “Black Lives Matter Plaza,” and cast D.C. nominating vote from that Plaza, actually condemned the behavior you can see in this video that I wrote about yesterday.
1) In a scene that played out several times Monday, a Black Lives Matter protest that began in Columbia Heights confronted White diners outside D.C. restaurants, chanting “White silence is violence!” and demanding White diners show their solidarity. #DCProtests pic.twitter.com/fJbPM76vb0
— Fredrick Kunkle WaPo (@KunkleFredrick) August 25, 2020
They were intimidating people, trying to force them to raise their fists in the socialist/black power fist salute, reminding people of the troubling behavior of the Chinese Communist Red Guard of the 60s.
The video went viral and has been seen by almost 12 million people so far.
Mayor Bowser continued: "We would encourage any diner or restaurant to call the police immediately."
— Fenit Nirappil (@FenitN) August 26, 2020
“What I saw in those videos was highly inappropriate,” Bowser said. “It was likely against the law if they were on private property but more importantly, I don’t think it had anything to do with demands for social justice.”
You mean after all the other bad behavior and violence, she’s finally calling out something?
She wasn’t the only one.
Here’s David Axelrod.
The shooting by police of Jacob Blake was egregious, and adds to a righteous sense of moral outrage about these recurrent horrors.
But make no mistake, arson and rioting play right into @realDonaldTrump’s hands and the primal fear message we heard so frequently last night.— David Axelrod (@davidaxelrod) August 25, 2020
Here’s the Governor of Oregon, who basically blamed the president for going after “peaceful protesters.”
Let me be clear: It’s time for the violence and vandalism to end so Portland can focus on the important work to be done to achieve real change for racial justice. Those who have committed acts of violence will be held accountable.
— Governor Kate Brown (@OregonGovBrown) August 25, 2020
Why are they finally saying something, however mild? Not because they’ve had an epiphany but because they’re realizing it might help President Donald Trump win. Because the memo has obviously finally gone out.
We saw that earlier with the words of CNN’s Don Lemon who actually said the problem was bad for Democrats and it wasn’t going away. That it’s the polling that is finally making Democrats actually say something about the riots.
After previously encouraging violence in the streets back in May and June, @CNN's @ChrisCuomo and @donlemon are suddenly scared that the riots are helping President Trump get reelected. "Chris, as you know and I know it's showing up in the polling." – Lemon pic.twitter.com/fzLlKyykZG
— Nicholas Fondacaro (@NickFondacaro) August 26, 2020
So now they’re going to try to lay it on Trump. But that’s going to be difficult when it’s radical leftists, Democratic cities, governors, mayors and DAs. Most Americans see that and they see how inept Democrats have been in addressing it for months. So they’re not going to be able to extricate themselves from it at this point. How base and political they are to think they can just flip on a dime like that, all for their own power, when they didn’t give a darn about the people being hurt and America being hurt before that.
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