Basic science as we know it in regard to the Wuhan coronavirus: It’s very rare for kids to get it and if they do they don’t tend to get it badly.
Despite that basic fact and despite the fact that you can limit/control kids’ contact with elderly adults who are most at risk in order to allow kids to go back to school and return to some degree of normality, liberal media and Democrats seem to want to keep kids locked up and seems to be lobbying against sending them back to school.
Of course, if kids don’t go back, their parents can’t go back to work and the economy remains depressed. Could they possibly be that cynical and disgusting?
But what are the actual “scientists” saying?
As Townhall explains, MSNBC host Craig Melvin just got a big shock when he questioned multiple pediatricians about President Trump’s position supporting sending kids back in the fall. Check out this face, it’s priceless.
Top pediatricians tell NBC they support reopening schools:
“Without a hesitation.”
“I have no concerns…”
@realDonaldTrump is right: We can safely send kids back to school! pic.twitter.com/e3q5LxcA35— Ronna McDaniel (@GOPChairwoman) July 13, 2020
Pediatricians "Absolutely" Would Send Children Back To School In Fall, "Without Hesitation" https://t.co/chGq5Zs8Gc
— Mollie (@MZHemingway) July 14, 2020
There are also studies indicating that kids rarely transmit the virus, one study from Germany and the data doctors from the University of Vermont collected.
In a French study, a boy with Covid-19 exposed over 80 classmates at three schools to the disease. None contracted it. Transmission of other respiratory diseases, including influenza transmission, was common at the schools.
In a study in New South Wales, nine infected students and nine staff across 15 schools exposed a total of 735 students and 128 staff to Covid-19. Only two secondary infections resulted, one transmitted by an adult to a child.
“The data are striking,” said Dr. Raszka. “The key takeaway is that children are not driving the pandemic. After six months, we have a wealth of accumulating data showing that children are less likely to become infected and seem less infectious; it is congregating adults who aren’t following safety protocols who are responsible for driving the upward curve.”
Meanwhile, a lot of media is pushing the narrative against President Trump as though he wants to kill kids by helping them return. Can they get anymore deceitful?
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