It’s pretty hard to say how disgusting it is that “health experts” who were willing to keep us all locked up forever or until a vaccine came, who were behind the imposition of all kinds of random rules that grievously harmed people and the economy are now just completely thrown that all under the bus with the embrace of the protests.
As we reported, those health experts wrote a letter saying basically that the protests were so important that they trumped concerns about the virus.
1,200 of the country's most renowned public health "experts" have signed a letter calling outdoor mass gatherings "vital to the national public health and to the threatened health specifically of Black people." We are in the midst of a mass psychotic break https://t.co/Ka57iiu4PO
— Michael Tracey (@mtracey) June 5, 2020
The letter can really can be reduced to the insanity of this picture.
Yes, it's a real quote. pic.twitter.com/dSiFfJqWfR
— Austin Open The Economy Petersen (@AP4Liberty) June 6, 2020
Not only that but they claimed those who protested the lockdowns were “rooted in white nationalism and run contrary to respect for Black lives,” the letter continued, in a further bizarre take.
As journalist Michael Tracey observed, this wasn’t just random nutters saying this, this included “infectious disease “experts” at the University of Washington, which has been integral in studying the coronavirus in the US. They write that “pervasive racism” is now “the paramount public health problem,’ superseding the virus.”
Here’s a sample of one making the same argument:
We should always evaluate the risks and benefits of efforts to control the virus. In this moment the public health risks of not protesting to demand an end to systemic racism greatly exceed the harms of the virus. https://t.co/s9DagyjQ1J
— Jennifer Nuzzo, DrPH (@JenniferNuzzo) June 2, 2020
Tucker Carlson ripped the letter.
“Huh?” Carlson responded incredulously after reading part of the letter. “In other words, anybody who complains about being locked down is a racist, except the people who refuse to be locked down because they are protesting racism. Heads, I win. Tails, you lose.”
“These are public health officials,” he continued. “This is insanity. Just days ago you were told that any kind of gathering could kill thousands of people. You would be a murderer. You would be a genocidal murderer. That is before we learned that viruses have their own woke political agenda and the only rallies we should ban are those being held by people who have the wrong ideas, people who want to earn a living or go to church. Those protests are racism. Oh.”
This letter and the allowed protests has infuriated people, not because they begrudge anyone the right to protest. It’s those whose lives and businesses have been harmed by the lockdowns. Protests of First Amendment rights over the lockdown weren’t important, saving people’s jobs and businesses wasn’t important, saving people’s lives with other medical treatment wasn’t important either. No one will ever be able to fully count the damage of all this, and it’s infuriating that “experts” can dismiss it all like this and then on top of it all paint concerns as “racism.”
But perhaps one of the most affecting losses that people can never get back was identified by Fox’s Janice Dean, who lost her father-in-law and mother-in-law in April in a nursing home in New York to the virus.
I have received so many messages from families that were not able to see their loved ones before they died or have funerals to mourn them because of the pandemic. They are beside themselves watching the thousands of people that are out today protesting together.
— Janice Dean (@JaniceDean) June 6, 2020
How many thousands of people were denied the ability to even have a wake or a funeral for their loved one? And then to see health experts, the media and Democrats just give a nod to thousands of people in the streets altogether, because suddenly that’s important and allowable, but to have been denied is just painful and infuriating beyond belief.
I don’t know what to say to them except I mourn with them and feel their pain and sadness.
— Janice Dean (@JaniceDean) June 6, 2020
People poured out their hearts to Dean.
Yes, my heart goes out to you. We too have had two family members pass that we were unable to have funerals for or even see in nursing homes. It is very difficult to watch what is going on now and I don’t understand how it is okay for some but not for others. How is that fair.
— Maryann (@ShatterdMp) June 6, 2020
I’m one! Grandma does on Mother’s Day at 97. Not one of her 14 grandchildren or 16 great grandchildren were able to see her before she died. She was a WWII vet and a nurse. I miss her everyday but was fortunate (🤷🏻♀️) enough time FaceTime a few times before she passed.
— Kate (@Kate24480096) June 6, 2020
My 91 year old Dad was in a death camp aka Nursing Home in Massachusetts when he passed. Not only was I not alllowed to see him being from out of state; only 10 were permitted to his funeral. He was a WW2 and Korean War Vet. He survived 2 wars but could not survive Democrats.
— Carlos Cape Cod (@SpartacusI) June 6, 2020
Our son-in-law lost his Dad on March 12th after a 2 1/2 battle with cancer. Lockdown in WA state started 3 days later…we are still waiting to hold his service. This is despicable!
— Heidi L. Martin (@HeidiLMartin) June 6, 2020
In addition, some shared how they still have not been able to see their parents or other family members who are in hospitals or nursing homes.
Those are things that people can never recover.
Never has the choice been so starkly painted.
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