Why do media and Democrats keep trying to make Stacey Abrams happen?
It’s a bit like Beto O’Rourke, although she’s more intelligent than he is.
But what is she known for? Being a bad loser after going down to defeat in the gubernatorial race in Georgia?
How does that translate into having legs to help the campaign? She couldn’t even win her own state.
Although some believe Biden is looking at her as a possible vice presidential choice, Biden disappointed those people, and Abrams himself, when MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell gave him the perfect set-up to make the announcement and he wasn’t able to say much beyond “she’s a very capable person.” Her face told the whole story in reaction to that and if looks could have killed, Biden would have been done in.
But that isn’t stopping from folks trying to make her a thing.
Check out this crazy image from a story in The Washington Post that Hot Air’s John Sexton found.
From the Washington Post Magazine profile of Stacey Abrams: pic.twitter.com/tTIU8gIllT
— John Sexton (@verumserum) May 16, 2020
What the heck are they trying to do with that picture?
Now I think the aim of the picture is supposed to be like the Obama ‘messiah’ pics that came out when he was running. But it surely doesn’t have that look and it’s not particularly a flattering picture.
Sexton found another picture as well, with the same purpose, but again, sort of failing.
Some people are wondering if this is real. It is: https://t.co/pzVPsX4n7w
β John Sexton (@verumserum) May 16, 2020
Does that mean she has a blind eye to American interests which she has backwards?
Sexton noted that she was also given a another flattering profile in the New York Times.
I can not believe this is a real image that the Washington Post used in their profile on Stacey Abrams.
The desire from so many in the media to make Abrams into a larger than life superhero is bizarre and telling. You'll never see a conservative woman get this kind of coverage. pic.twitter.com/ojDGy6K17Y
— Josh Jordan (@NumbersMuncher) May 17, 2020
Stacey Abrams has no legitimate argument for the Vice Presidency, and it's ridiculous that she's even being fake-considered. But that hasn't stopped the elite media from eagerly enabling her obnoxious promotional tour — I guess they're bored under quarantine or something pic.twitter.com/1mU3CokDG0
— Michael Tracey (@mtracey) May 17, 2020
In case you missed it, the Washington Post, in an absolutely propaganda piece, described imaginary Governor of Georgia Stacey Abrams as a "supermodel."
I can't even…
— Tim Young (@TimRunsHisMouth) May 17, 2020
Yes. The story makes it even worse. It’s embarrassing that anyone even wrote this.
How is every journalist employed by the Washington Post not named Jennifer Rubin not completely embarrassed by this Stacey Abrams profile. How does something like this even make it past editors who care about their reputations? pic.twitter.com/yqpSeTnBbM
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) May 17, 2020
The WASHINGTON POST, the paper that took down Nixon compares Stacey Abrams to a runway supermodel like Mugatu wrote the piece. Democracy Dies in Darkness is so hot right now. https://t.co/9nDZV6IbUB
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) May 17, 2020
But remember that media doesn’t take a side. Can you imagine them ever writing such a complimentary article on a conservative woman?
Then of course it opens itself up.
Hereβs some more π pic.twitter.com/irXKiPhwpL
— Ridge π (@Ridge_1683) May 17, 2020
This dark cartoonish Abrams portrait is better with bats. pic.twitter.com/hsuk3gECu8
— Matt Whitlock (@mattdizwhitlock) May 17, 2020
Really, guys? What were you thinking?
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