One of the more surprising stories this week was the discovery that former Vice President Joe Biden and now the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, was involved in requesting the unmasking of Gen. Michael Flynn.
Given the apparent attempt to target Flynn by the FBI and the Jan. 5 meeting that involved both Barack Obama and Biden talking about the Flynn investigation, it raises a ton of questions as to how much they were involved and did the goal they postulated about to try to prosecute or get him fired come with impetus from the top.
The immediate spin that Democrats tried to put on it was that unmasking was a normal process and that’s certainly true, but within parameters. You have to have a legitimate reason for requesting it and it can’t be for political purposes. Not only did Biden ask for unmasking but virtually all the top echelon of the Obama White House also had requests to unmask Flynn, including James Clapper, James Comey, John Brennan and Samantha Power during the transition between the election on November 8, 2016 and January 31, 2017.
But on top of that, there’s no question that someone in the Obama administration leaked the information of Flynn’s call to the Washington Post to undermine Flynn. That’s a felony. And the article from the leak ran on the same day as Biden requested the unmasking, Jan. 12, 2017.
But while Democrats are trying to spin this all as somehow “normal” action now, that wasn’t how Biden was talking about NSA intercepts in 2005 when the question about requests for unmasking involved John Bolton, according to PJ Media.
In 2005, Sen. Joe Biden (D-DE) had a lot of concerns about the reasons why Bolton was unmasking 19 Americans or American companies with 10 different requests.
He said he questioned Bolton about his requests and Bolton said he requested it for “context and intellectual curiosity.” Now, people can ask for it to be done for understanding context but it does have to have a legitimate reason.
Biden’s ‘money comment’ is right at the end of the video:
“It has been alleged as I said that Mr. Bolton has been spying on rivals within the bureaucracy both inferior and superior to him. While I doubt this as I have said publicly before, we have a duty to be sure he did not misuse this data.”
Thank you. You’re right. We have a duty to make sure that Biden did not misuse this data. Per Joe Biden. Not to mention, Biden doesn’t mention any attendant illegality in the Bolton request, but there sure was illegality with the leaking of the information against Flynn, so if we’re talking about using it against one’s political opponent, there’s no doubt that was done.
By the way, did you notice how coherent and well spoken Biden is there? Compare to today. It highlights how much he has deteriorated.
So is anyone in media going to ask Joe Biden why he asked for unmasking, pretty obviously in relation to the phone call in question and why his fellow Obama officials also asked for so many unmaskings involving Flynn? What is Biden’s “legitimate reason” for having done so? What does he know about the leak and the investigation and when did he and Barack Obama know it?
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