People have been talking about Joe Biden’s apparent deterioration for awhile.
Some have even termed it “elder abuse” that Democrats so intent on trying to beat President Donald Trump would put the man through a campaign at this point. It’s really something that they think Biden is their best shot at Trump. Sort of says what a bad position they are in.
They keep putting Biden out there to make him relevant but all people keep seeing is what bad shape he’s in.
Here he was during a town hall when he completely lost track of what he was saying. I’m not even sure what he’s saying here in this word salad.
Even while reading from notes during a LULAC virtual town hall, Joe Biden can’t keep his thoughts straight:
"so workers don't have to leave work to uh to get uh uh to be fired in order uh when they get sick to be able to continue to live"https://t.co/fhosaQ8vdM pic.twitter.com/8DAg7dJ0Sk
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) May 4, 2020
Biden says, “So workers don’t have to leave work to uh to get uh uh to be fired in order uh when they get sick to be able to continue to live.”
Let’s compare to earlier in his life, for example when he was lying about his background during his 1988 presidential run. Notice there’s no issue at all with speaking (but a whole lot of lying). Notice how he makes a nasty attack on a voter saying he would put his IQ up against his, that same attitude we see today when he’s challenged. Notice also how media, who was then not invested in having an opponent to beat Trump) was able to be honest about who and what he was.
But why is Biden still there? Why are they so desperate to keep him in there besides thinking he’s their only chance against Trump?
He revealed it during the town hall. Because he (or the folks behind him using him) intends to keep working on that “fundamental transformation” that Obama ominously first talked about.
Joe Biden calls coronavirus an “incredible opportunity…to fundamentally transform the country”https://t.co/BBnKVfGSgg pic.twitter.com/hFkp8Tsl0g
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) May 4, 2020
Hear that? The virus is an “incredible opportunity” to fundamentally transform the country. What a way to talk about a pandemic that has caused so much loss of life and so much destruction, an opportunity for our political agenda. Never let a crisis go to waste.
As dumb as that statement is, it’s more frightening Democrats working for him allowed him to say it. They don’t even know or care how frightening that is. https://t.co/9IXAlMCxgx
— Kevin Cramer (@kevincramer) May 4, 2020
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