Joe Biden tried to appear transparent during his interview on “Morning Joe” last week when he called for the National Archives to release any complaint that they might have related to sexual harassment alleged by Tara Reade.
But as we reported this was a meaningless ask and perhaps for show, since the National Archives aren’t the folks holding any such records, as they said. Plus Biden was and still is refusing to release or allow access to his Senate records at the University of Delaware which could reveal any notes or actions that his staff may have taken after the alleged harassment and assault.
So once it was proven that what Biden was said was false, Biden amended his request to ask the Senate to release any complaint by Reade and any attendant records in regard to the complaint.
But now according to the Secretary of the Senate, Julie Adams, she doesn’t have the authority to be able to release any Biden records regarding Tara Reade.
From Fox News:
In a statement, Julie Adams said their legal counsel has reviewed the relevant statute governing such records and advised that “the Secretary has no discretion to disclose any such information as requested in Vice President Biden’s letter of May 1.”
The statement cited the law’s confidentiality requirements and past Senate guidance.
“Based on the law’s strict confidentiality requirements (Section 313) and the Senate’s own direction that disclosure of Senate Records is not authorized if prohibited by law (Senate Resolution 474, 96th Congress, Section 3(a)), Senate Legal Counsel advises that the Secretary has no discretion to disclose any such information as requested in Vice President Biden’s letter of May 1,” Adams said.
4) "Based on the law’s strict confidentiality requirements (Section 313) and the Senate’s own direction that disclosure of Senate Records is not authorized if prohibited by law (Senate Resolution 474, 96th Congress, Section 3(a)),
— Chad Pergram (@ChadPergram) May 4, 2020
Guessing at least at this point, once again, that Biden or his campaign would know this. So much for “transparency.”
Reade has already called for the Seante records to be released so it perhaps raised the question if they can waive confidentiality since she’s asked for them to be released.
Meanwhile, why doesn’t Biden still want people to look at the Senate records at the University of Delaware? Biden was in the Senate from 1973 to 2009, for most of his life. It’s a treasure trove of his positions on things. He said it’s his position papers and such. But he said he didn’t want people to see things like his conversations with Vladimir Putin, that it could be used as “fodder” against him in the campaign. So beyond the question of Reade, why does he not wanting people to see that? What is he hiding?
As we previously reported, since he was in the Senate for most of his life, from 1973 to 2009, everything could be there, from “flexible” conversations with Putin to his “25 conversations with Xi Jinping” (I’m thinking those particularly might not look good right now), not to mention anything about possible conflicts of interests with businesses like MBNA or other foreign governments like Ukraine.
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