On Friday, President Donald Trump received the Bipartisan Justice Award for his work on criminal justice reform from the 20/20 Bipartisan Justice Center.
The bipartisan group consists of Republicans, Democrats and Independents whose primary focus is on criminal justice reform.
Trump spoke after receiving the award at a historically black college, Benedict College in Columbia, South Carolina about the work he and a bipartisan group had done on reform with the First Step Act that he championed and passed in December. The Act focused on gaining release for thousands of non-violent offenders from federal prisons and provided programs to bring down recidivism. One of the men who gained release through the Act, Matthew Charles, was there to present Trump with the award.
It was my great honor to deliver the keynote address at the 2019 Second Step Presidential Justice Forum hosted by the 20/20 Bipartisan Justice Center in South Carolina, and my true honor to receive the Bipartisan Justice Award, thank you! https://t.co/uF9IWnI1pH
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 25, 2019
Last year, President @realDonaldTrump signed the First Step Act into law—the most significant criminal justice reform in many generations.
"We rallied activists and faith leaders and law enforcement and lawmakers alike. We worked across party lines very strongly." pic.twitter.com/PXJlvc3ckM
— The White House (@WhiteHouse) October 25, 2019
Others who had benefitted from the reform also spoke including Tanesha Bannister.
Tanesha Bannister received a life sentence for a drug-related offense in 2004.
Her clemency petition was one of 11,000 languishing in the Office of the Pardon Attorney at the end of the Obama Administration.
She was finally freed after President Trump signed the First Step Act. pic.twitter.com/KrzbQ2ZRGe
— The White House (@WhiteHouse) October 25, 2019
Bannister spoke about how the Act not only freed thousands of people, but he helped rehabilitate and increase opportunities to work and reintegrate back into society.
According to WLTX 19:
Trump also said his policies on trade, taxes, and as he phrased it, “putting America first,” have contributed to a better job market for those released from prison and millions of others.
“We’re acting, not talking,” he said.
He’s now moving to work on the Second Step Act, to do even more to rehab people back into society.
But he was attacked by someone who does a lot of talking but not a lot of action for positive change.
The president’s speech kicked off a weekend forum on criminal justice that included 2020 Democratic candidates.
Kamala Harris was to be among the candidates in attendance but she decided to play politics instead and announced that she would boycott the event because of Trump’s presence. “I said I wouldn’t come because I couldn’t believe that Donald Trump would be given an award as it relates to criminal justice reform,” Harris complained.
Imagine boycotting a specifically bipartisan event because she’s so nakedly political and trying to pull a stunt to score points. Actions like this perhaps explain why she’s so low in the polls now. The more people know about her, the less they care for her. She’s wallowing around 5 percent.
She later flip-flopped and changed her mind, saying she would be attending because the college removed the 20/20 Bipartisan Center as the sponsor of the forum.
So she’s attacking a bipartisan group for daring to give Trump an award? And has them removed as sponsor? How does that help anything? The group hasn’t responded yet to questions about this.
Meanwhile Harris has an incredibly bad reputation in relation to criminal justice, so much so that many people on the left have nicknamed her “Kamala the Cop” and would never think of voting for her. It’s not because she’s locked people up in the interests of justice, it’s because they don’t feel her actions have been consistent with justice.
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