Project Veritas has been dropping a series of videos they’ve titled “exposing CNN.”
The videos they’ve released so far have shown employees behind the scenes exposing bias against President Donald Trump and saying staffers were told to focus on impeachment by CNN President Jeff Zucker.
Some of the employees spoke about how they missed doing the news as they used to prior to being all about Trump.
One employee even spoke about how he didn’t think that this would stop until Trump was dead, which he said was “hopefully soon.”
But now the latest video shows employees revealing allegations of possible sexual misconduct by a CNN Supervising Producer for the White House and Political Unit, Steve Brusk.
The video shows Rick Saleeby, a CNN producer who Project Veritas identifies as a producer for “The Lead with Jake Tapper,” saying that he intervened when he allegedly believed Brusk was going to touch a 21 year old female employee inappropriately.
From Project Veritas:
“So, like, there is this girl that was twenty-one. She’s actually a good friend of mine. She had just gotten hired after being an intern…And she was getting…There was a going away party for a co-worker. We were all having a really good time…She was very well liked. We were getting drunk. He started like staying close to her…Arm around her.”
Saleeby went on to describe the scene with more details: “She had a skirt on. I could see the hand. I like grab her. It looked like I was being the assaulter because I grabbed her so aggressive…To keep her from him. Like go around her and go Come over here and looked at him because I could flatten him…It was like…I wouldn’t do it because then I would be the one who got fired…He would have absolutely been like ‘get in a cab with me later.’”
Saleeby says he found out later there were allegedly other accusations against Brusk.
When asked why nothing was done, Saleeby alleged Brusk was protected.
“[H]e is protected by certain people there…Value him or like him. I don’t even know, I can’t…Like other higher ups there. This is not an unusual thing in companies.”
Another employee, CNN media coordinator Nick Neville also spoke about a situation where Brusk had hired a female staffer without the job being posted, suggesting that while it was not like a “MeToo” situation, it was “hush-hush” according to the girl.
“But this other girl works pretty closely with him and he would email her, I mean, he emails all of us, but he would email and was very friendly to her, the staffer continued. “And then she just like got a job like working on his team and she was like, oh it’s hush-hush. The job was never posted anywhere. I was like, what is it? I just thought it was a little strange. Was there an agreement? What happened there?”
“Like I’m saying, that’s open knowledge, but it just kind of like goes along with what he said,” he added.
Project Veritas tried to get a response from CNN on the allegations, reaching out to Jake Tapper, Rick Saleeby, Matt Dornic (the Vice President of Communications) and Steve Brusk. The only response they mention was one from Brusk who told them to contact his PR people.
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