Actor Robert De Niro doesn’t like President Donald Trump. He’s made that clear again and again.
But he’s done it, not by disagreeing with policies, but by being crude and obnoxious, cursing the president out on live television, infamously saying “F**k Trump” live on the Academy Awards last year. Two years before that he even threatened to punch Trump in the face.
He claims to be upset with the actions of the president.
But now he’s facing a federal lawsuit from someone who’s very upset with his actions.
Graham Chase Robinson, a woman who used to work for De Niro has brought a claim of gender discrimination and fostering an abusive working environment against him.
According to Fox Business, her attorney Jeremy Heisler said, “Ms. [Graham Chase] Robinson has no choice but … to send him a message: the Harvey Weinsteins of this world should realize their approach is extinct. You can no longer intimidate women. You can no longer threaten them.”
Variety details some of the allegations in the suit.
De Niro purportedly used sexist language, calling female employees “c—s” and “bitches,” and referred to Robinson, who was his executive assistant, as his “office wife.”
“Robert De Niro is someone who has clung to old mores,” the lawsuit reads. “He does not accept the idea that men should treat women as equals. He does not care that gender discrimination in the workplace violates the law. Ms. Robinson is a casualty of this attitude.” ….
In her suit, Robinson says she was underpaid compared to male colleagues and given “female duties like housework.” De Niro allegedly joked to Robinson about his Viagra prescription, asked her to imagine him on the toilet and suggested she could get pregnant using sperm from a married male co-worker.
Fox Business also notes that the suit claims De Niro allegedly gave her “unwanted physical contact” in addition to unwanted “sexually charged” comments.
Now an audio has been released in which De Niro goes on a profanity-laden rant against Robinson.
“You’re living in Spain, and you’re f***ing upset with me because you tell me how nice you have it and you f***ing don’t answer my calls? How dare you. You’re about to be fired. You’re f***ing history,” the “Goodfellas” actor can be heard shouting into the phone. “How dare you. With all the good things you do. This is f***ing bad. How dare you f***ing disrespect me how much you did. Don’t be angry with me ’cause I’m pissed off ’cause I didn’t get a simple thing that I need right now here in California, where I’m here less than 24 hours, you gotta be f***ing kidding me, you spoilt brat!”
Warning for graphic language
Robinson’s team said that De Niro’s people knew they were going to sue and so they sued her first, accusing her of not doing her job, charging for personal expenses and misappropriating frequently flyer miles. She reportedly made an astonishing $300,000, according to Variety.
Her attorneys are now arguing that those comments have wrongly damaged her reputation.
A De Niro spokesperson said that De Niro denies all the allegations.
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