Seriously: what part of Shall not be infringed was unclear, DC city government?
A federal judge has issued a preliminary injunction saying the District of Columbia’s new concealed carry law is unconstitutional.
The order, issued Monday by Judge Frederick J. Scullin, was the second decision in less than a year declaring the Washington, D.C., gun carry laws to be unconstitutional. In October of 2014, the same judge ruled that the district’s complete ban on gun carry was also in violation of the Constitution.
The dodge this time was that the District government decided that applicants needed a ‘good reason’ to have a concealed carry permit. And, do you know something? I’m fine with that. Here’s a ‘good reason’ that can be used pretty much anywhere, anytime:
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.
Yes, that means Because I want a concealed carry permit qualifies as a ‘good reason.’ Take it up with Jimmy Madison if you have a problem with that – what’s that? He’s dead? Well, I guess that you can go complain to him in Heaven, then.
(Image via Shutterstock.)
Moe Lane (crosspost)
PS: Hey, maybe this third time around the DC city government could stop trying to rewrite the US Constitution and give ground gracefully? Or at least be less ungraceful about the whole thing. We’ll take what we can get.
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