And not just the people of New Hampshire’s Second District. Kuster has a problem with all of us:
…New Hampshire’s four members of Congress, three of them Democrats, were set upon by local reporters with one simmering question: What are you going to do about the faltering Affordable Care Act?
Representative Ann McLane Kuster, the state’s freshman Democrat, displayed her own exasperation over the failed rollout. “Patience is a virtue, and Americans have it in short supply,” she said. “Frankly we are not well served by the politics of all this.”
Not even close. What we are actually not well-served by is by a monstrosity of a health care rationing system that has already killed 5 million and counting health insurance policies. Rep. Kuster is the owner of rare and wondrous gift: there is no dangerous, corrosive “Yes” vote on Obamacare on her personal record. The freshman Congresswoman would be well-advised to count her blessings, and avoid insulting American voters just because she doesn’t like the way those voters are reacting to the worst domestic policy roll-out in living memory.
And she should do this not least because Rep. Kuster does not currently represent a safe Democratic district. She, in fact, represents a district in a state that has traditionally had a poor opinion of fools. And if one ends up representing them anyway; well, New Hampshire voters are well aware of the best way to handle unsuitable legislators…
Moe Lane (crosspost)
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