“A New World Order With European Values.”
Ponder, for a moment, the implications of the above statement.
The mere thought should send chills down the spines of freedom-loving people around the world. Consider the current state (and continuing direction) of Europe — not to mention the Continent's history of controlling free speech and individual liberties in favor of heavy-handed governments, just in the 20th century alone (twice) and the consequences of those "experiments" (plunging the planet into two world wars).
At the World Forum in Berlin last Tuesday and Wednesday, “A New World Order With European Values” was the coin of the realm. The slogan was emblazoned on banners. The globalist claim their goal is to consider the future of free speech and other democratic values — European-style.
Translation: further abandoning the basic principles of free expression, individual freedoms, and rising populism — in favor of centralized government control. Again, what could possibly go wrong?
As legal analyst and political commentator Jonathon Turley mused in his Monday column, the notion of "a new world order with European values" is synonymous with "an unholy union of globalism and anti-free speech measures."
“A New World Order With European Values.” Emblazoned across banners and signs, those words met the participants at this week’s meeting of the World Forum in Berlin.
Each year, leaders, executives, journalists and academics gather to address the greatest threats facing humanity. This year, there was little doubt about what they view as the current threat: the resurgence of populism and free speech.
Free speech is in a free fall in Europe, with ever-expanding speech regulations and criminal prosecutions — including for having “toxic ideologies.”
There has long been a push for transnational governing systems, and European figures see an opportunity created by the conflict with President Trump. The European Union is the model for such a Pax Europaea or “European peace.”
And there it is.
President Donald Trump — a "menace" to globalists, those who seek to further erode basic freedoms and seek all-powerful national governments, should be in control of virtually everything in society. Hyperbolic? I think not. And thank God, Donald Trump is exactly that — a menace to smug European leaders who couldn't loathe him more because of it.
The forum's message was crystal clear: "American values" were not open to discussion.
Oh, did I mention that former President Bill Clinton and two-time-losing presidential candidate Hillary Clinton — described by Turley as "two of the patron saints of the global elite" — were the virtual guests of honor? Moreover, Bill "I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Ms. Lewinsky" Clinton was presented an award as the “Leader of the Century.” Can't make it up; they just did.
Turley, who was one of the speakers at the forum, further wrote:
As one of the few speakers at the forum who was calling for greater protections for free speech, I found it an unnerving message. Even putting aside the implications of the New World Order, the idea of building a world on today’s European values is alarming for free speech.
The discussions focused on blunting the rise of far-right parties and stemming the flow of “disinformation” that fosters such dissent.
Outside of this rarefied environment, the Orwellian language would border on the humorous: protecting democracy from itself and limiting free speech to foster free speech.
Yet, one aspect of the forum was striking and refreshingly open. This year it became clear why transnational governance gravitates toward greater limits on free speech.
"Of course, all of this must be done in the name of democracy and free speech," added Turley.
Does **checks notes** "done in the name of democracy and free speech" ring a bell?
Oh, wait; that's the same "reasoning" (excuse) employed by the left in this country —including the Democrat Party and its mouthpieces in media — as they desperately try to limit the free-speech rights of those who disagree with their policies and ideologies and expose them what they really are.
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"Citizens would be wise to look beyond the catchy themes and consider what Pax Europaea ("European peace") would truly mean to them," warned Turley, adding: "a 'New World Order Based on European Values' is hardly an inviting prospect for those who believe in robust democratic and free speech values."
The Bottom Line
As Spanish-American philosopher George Santayana ominously warned: "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."
Tragically, Europe has indeed "failed to remember" Santayana's warning — multiple times.
Regardless of what happens in Europe, or anywhere else, America must not succumb to forgetting it — despite the left's continuing attempt to destroy this country as we know it.