Oh, the Humanity! The Oppression of Nonbinary... Feet

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In this episode of "Just When You Thought We've Reached Peak Crazy"...

In today's confusing world of gender self-identification, the spectrum is wide — and continues to widen. From the correct notion that there are two genders, the left has expanded the (their) spectrum from male and female to transgender, gender-fluid, agender, cisgender (the left's term for belief in two genders), nonbinary, and beyond. 


Today's episode focuses on those who identify as "nonbinary" — relating to a gender identity that doesn't conform to traditional binary beliefs about gender, meaning that all individuals are exclusively either male or female.

You're about to meet "Clay," who identifies as a “Dom FTM vers bottom, transmasc nonbinary” (I have no clue). Clay's latest complaint, made while he (she) was nearly in tears, is about the oppression of nonbinary... feet. Yeah.

Here's Clay:

This two-gender thing is getting totally out of control. This weekend, I was getting shoes, and ... I got these shoes, and these shoes [shows the shoes], OK? I bring them up to the worker, and I go like "Hey, can I get an eight-and-a-half in these?' and they were like 'Sorry, do you mean eight-and-a-half in men's or women's?' 

Men's or women's, really??? Like my feet — my freaking feet — can't even be nonbinary. My feet don't even have genitals, OK? So — oh, uh — this is — it's just crazy. This what you all voted for — I hope you're happy.

"Happy" doesn't even begin to describe it. While part of me wants to blast Clay for delusionally believing society should not only embrace his (her) beliefs and the beliefs of other gender-whatever people, another part of me genuinely feels sorry for those so afflicted.


Just one problem. With respect to feet — nonbinary or otherwise:

Men have longer and broader feet than women for a given stature, with slightly different proportions. After normalization of the measurements by foot length, men and women were found to differ significantly in two calf, five ankle, and four foot shape variables. 

So, not to pick on Clay, but it seems to me if he (she) wants his (her) shoes to fit properly, he's (she's) going to have to take one for the team and decide which gender shoe he (she) wants. I mean, it's not like he (she) has to tell anyone about it.

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And that "This what you all voted for — I hope you're happy" thing was an obvious reference to voting for President Trump. While I did vote for Trump, I can assure Clay that at no time did I consider foot size — neither binary nor nonbinary.

We now return you to your regular (or whatever passes for it) news.

Editor's Note: The left is in panic mode thanks to President Trump halting its dishonest, backdoor taxpayer funding.

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