
Kamala Harris' Dad Knew Importation of Low-Skilled Workers Hurts Black Families. Why Didn't She Get It?

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

Donald J. Harris, Democrat vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris' father, might have spent decades teaching Marxist economics, but when it came to his concern for black Americans struggling to find good-paying jobs, he publicly opposed mass immigration of low-skilled workers. 

Obviously, daughter dearest eagerly refused to heed her dad's warning.

Widely cited as a major influence in Kamala Harris becoming a radical leftist who makes no bones about her socialist beliefs, Mr. Harris taught for roughly four decades at Stanford University in Palo Alto, California. Hardly sounds like Kamala was "raised in a middle-class family," but I digress. 

'Black Economic Progress: An Agenda for the 1990s'

Professor Harris co-authored a 1988 pamphlet entitled "Black Economic Progress: An Agenda for the 1990s," which in part blasted many policies of Republican President Ronald Reagan, including substantial defense spending to oppose the then-Soviet Union. 

But of most concern to Harris, it seemed, was “the current immigration policy, which allows relatively large numbers of low-skilled workers to enter the United States, [which places a ] burden . . . on low-skilled native-born workers”—particularly black families. 

The pamphlet reads, in part: 

At the same time that the trends in international trade have moved against U.S. workers, U.S. immigration laws have been modified in ways that increase the influx of low-skilled workers, who compete with native-born youths and low-skilled adult workers for low-skilled jobs. . . .

This shift has been a particularly serious problem for blacks, who constitute a high proportion of the low-skilled adult workers [emphasis added].

Theoretical research supports the argument that the immigration of low-skilled workers is harmful to blacks in the short term, unless offsetting policies are established to protect the living standard of native-born workers.

While I fully understand that the primary goal of today's radical Democrat Party is to import as many illegal aliens as it can get away with, ultimately "naturalize" them, and give them voting privileges, I can't understand for the life of me why more working-class black Americans haven't over the last almost four years woken up to the reality of exactly what Kamala's dad warned against, decades ago. 


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Here's more reality:

When Donald Harris wrote that pamphlet, America was still four years away from implementing NAFTA, the Clinton administration’s massive trade deal that ended up offshoring millions of factory jobs to Mexico, India, China, and other poor countries. A 2021 report by the leftist group Public Citizen found that NAFTA’s globalization hit black and Latino workers hardest—costing black workers 494,000 jobs, particularly in the automative, metals, paper, and beverage industries.

On July 1, 2020, then-President Donald Trump fulfilled a campaign promise by signing the USMCA (US-Mexico-Canada Agreement), thereby "ending the NAFTA nightmare," as he said at the time. While the trade deal returned many jobs to black workers, ten senators opposed it outright, some complaining that it didn't go far enough to oppose global warming. Did I mention that Kamala Harris was one of those ten senators? 

By the Numbers

Yeah, let's talk numbers.

In 1990, two years after Harris’ pamphlet was published, the U.S. contained 19.8 million immigrants, constituting 7.9% of the total American population.

Fast forward to 2024, and that figure has skyrocketed to 51.6 million and 15.6% of the national population. That doesn’t count the 16 million illegal aliens who’ve entered under “border czar” Kamala Harris since 2021.

And if the Biden-Harris administration importation of illegal aliens trend continues, here's what the United States could face in the future, according to projections from the Center for Immigration Studies (emphasis, mine).

  • If present trends continue, the foreign-born population will reach 62.5 million in 2030 and 82.2 million by 2040larger than the current combined populations of 30 states plus the District of Columbia.
  • Many observers think of immigrants solely as workers, but only 46 percent of the foreign-born who arrived in 2022 or later were employed in the first part of 2024 — similar to the share of new arrivals employed during previous economic expansions.
  • As in any human population, many newly arrived immigrants are children, elderly, disabled, caregivers, or others with no ability to work or interest in doing so.
  • Only about 8 percent of the 2.5 million new arrivals who are not working say they are actively looking for work.
  • The dramatic recent increases in the size of the foreign-born population represent net growth. The number of new arrivals was much higher but was offset by outmigration and natural mortality among the foreign-born already here.
  • There also is some undercount in this data, so the actual number of foreign residents in the United States is larger.

Make no mistake: Despite Harris's pretend flip-flop on border security, she and her party will continue to import as many of who they consider to be future Democrat voters as they can. It really is that simple.

Finally, the Answer to My Headline...

So why didn't she get it? Why didn't Kamala understand and embrace her father's concerns about the massive importation of low-skilled workers to the detriment of many black families? She did. So does the entire Democrat Party, along with left-wing elitists. 

Yeah, yeah, the Democrat Party is "the party of people of color," "working-class people," and all the other nonsense they claim to be (lie about), but the ugly little non-secret secret is this: Democrats have pandered to black America for six decades, making untold number of hollow promises, and pandering during elections seasons like there's no tomorrow. 

But? One simple question: How have decades of Democrat promises worked out in urban America?


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