Majority of 'Shameful' House Democrats Opposed Bill to Deport Illegal Alien Sex Offenders

AP Photo/Arizona Department of Corrections

In yet another obscene demonstration of putting illegal aliens above the safety of American citizens, 158 out of 220 House Democrats on Thursday voted against a Republican-sponsored bill to deport illegal foreign nationals convicted of domestic violence and sex-related offenses, including sex crimes against children.


Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) called the opposing Democrats "shameful."

I find the debate shameful. I myself am a survivor of rape. I understand the lifelong trauma as someone who has survived rape, as someone who's been in a in a domestic violence situation where I was also the victim. I don't want to hear it. If you're here illegally at all you should be gone.

As House Democrats have demonstrated in the past and will continue to demonstrate in the future, those who voted against the bill were beyond shameful. Obscenely Despicable comes closer to my mind. Sex abuse against an adult, while horrific, is one thing. But sex crimes against children? And 158 out of 220 voting against a bill to deport the animals who commit those heinous acts? Unconscionable. 

And as is the case with Democrat opposition to voter ID laws, this will be another case where they deflect and obfuscate by blaming some other provision in the bill — and it will be a complete crock of bull, just like it always is. 

The bill passed 266-158; 215 Republicans and 51 Democrats voted for it. Seven members didn’t vote. 

Mace said Republicans are fed up. 

We are fed up with headlines about women losing their lives or becoming victims of assailants who trespassed into our country illegally under the Biden-Harris border crisis. This legislation sends a strong message: if you are an illegal who has committed acts of violence against women, you will not find sanctuary here.


She also shared her disgust in a video she posted to X:

Every member voting against this bill shows the American people they care more about illegal aliens than our women and children.

Despite their excuses, that's that's exactly what they showed.

Here's more:

The bill would amend the Immigration and Nationality Act “to provide that aliens who have been convicted of or who have committed sex offenses or domestic violence are inadmissible and deportable.” This includes stalking, child abuse, child neglect, child abandonment, violation of protective orders, including credible threats of violence, repeated harassment, and conspiracy to commit a sex offense grounds for deportation, according to the bill language.

It also includes crimes defined in the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006: child sex offenders, sexual predators, child sex traffickers, using minors in a sexual performance, soliciting a minor to practice prostitution, producing or distributing child pornography, transporting with intent to engage in criminal sexual activity, among others.


Yet seven out of 10 Democrats voted against the legislation.

This is precisely the kind of obscene reality that Donald Trump and his surrogates need to hammer home in response to serial-lying Kamala Harris' dishonest pledge to enforce immigration laws. Harris' latest gaslighting talking point:

I believe there should be consequences — We have laws that have to be followed and enforced that address and deal with people who cross our border illegally. I'm the only person in this race who actually served a border state as attorney general to enforce our laws, and I would enforce our laws as president going forward.


WATCH: 2019 Kamala Debates 2024 Kamala About 'Optional' Enforcement of Immigration Laws

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