
Biden-Harris Admin. Warns of 'Inescapable Death Spiral' of Climate Change on NASA's Webpage for Kids

AP Photo/Shakil Adil, File

Throughout history, regimes intent on indoctrinating their respective populations quickly learned that the younger their “targets,” the easier they are to program. Hitler Youth comes to mind, although I'd never compare the Biden-Harris administration to the Nazi dictator, of course, even while, as we all know, the Democrats have zero problem comparing Donald Trump to Hitler, which they do quite frequently.

Anyway, as part of the administration’s ongoing effort to scare America into believing the “existential threat to mankind” nonsense caused by anthropogenic (man-caused) climate change, NASA’s “Climate Kids” webpage, which offers fun environment-related educational activities, films, and video games for children in kindergarten, is now also warning the kiddos that the world is undergoing cataclysmic warming, sea levels are rising, global ice is diminishing, and their future may very well be doomed.

The objective appears to be to to instill eco-anxiety, in young kids, also known as climate anxiety, a chronic fear of environmental doom or distress about climate change and its effects on the environment, ecosystems, and human health. What a caring thing to impose on Kindergarteners, huh? Gotta love the “party of compassion.”

Here’s more:

Climate Kids proclaims that the cost of fossil fuels is "pollution, the destruction of landscapes and natural habitats, oil spills in the ocean, and nasty fracking chemicals in the ground," while the "biggest problem of all" is global warming. The website separately shows an image of what it says may soon occur to the United States' Eastern Seaboard: a calamitous sea level rise covering entire cities, including New Orleans and Miami. The website fails to include a timeline for such an event.

The NOAA Education portal, which is managed by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, is another government-managed webpage that, like NASA's Climate Kids, includes a curriculum with catastrophic language about global warming. Courses linked on the portal, for example, encourage students to foster negative emotions about the state of the environment into taking action.

The online resources appear to be a peg in the Biden-Harris administration's broader strategy of aiming climate messaging at younger generations, even as those age groups report high levels of "climate anxiety," a phenomenon acknowledged by the administration. 

The Climate Kids webpage was created in 2012 under the Obama administration and remained online throughout the Trump administration, although NASA's website didn't include direct links to the page until recently — under Biden-Harris. It now links to the Climate Kids page in its "Interactives" section, created in 2023. NOAA Educational resources and webpages on climate-change-related youth mental health were created during the Biden-Harris administration, as well, beginning in 2022.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) wrote, in letters to the organizations:

The Biden-Harris administration marked Earth Day this year by touting its efforts to combat 'the climate crisis,' including its quixotic quest for net-zero emissions, the formation of a multi-billion-dollar American Climate Corps, and the restriction of federal oil and gas leases. 

Young people are absorbing the rhetoric; they report high levels of anxiety about climate change and are adapting their behavior in radical ways, including by foregoing children. Is this anxiety based on science or sensationalism? The evidence points to the latter.

Cruz, as is his custom, went bottom-line, accusing the agencies of producing "faux-educational materials that fuel climate alarmism" to generate support for the Biden-Harris administration's histrionic climate agenda. The Texas senator also warned that such fearmongering is intentionally contributing to increasing rates of eco-anxiety, which I described earlier.  

Ironic, isn't it? Indoctrinate America's youth to form opinions based on emotions, including fear, as opposed to facts, data, history, logic, and common sense — exactly the way the left, including the Democrat Party, forms its opinions.

Also Read:

'Global Warming' Alarmist Al Gore All in for 'Climate Champion' Kamala Harris Because of Course He Is

An Activist Double Whammy: LGBTQ+ Youth Fret About Climate Change

NBC Can't Understand Why 'Average Person' Doesn't Fear 'Climate Crisis' – Should We Tell 'Em?

The Bottom Line

So, are we looking at child abuse, here? Particularly as it relates to eco-anxiety? 

If not, it's at least a fine line— just as is the Democrat Party's hellbent drive to indoctrinate America's youth into believing boys can become girls, kick the hell out of girls in girls' sporting events — and tampons in boys' bathrooms is totally normal.


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