'Queer Theory': Biden-Harris Official Calls for 'Queering Nuclear Weapons.' No, Really.

AP Photo/Bullit Marquez

If you've been waiting for that perfect example that the rabid left is not only a threat to the moral fabric of American society but also a clear and present danger to the very existence of the United States, today's your "lucky" day. Even better, the example comes from none other than the Biden-Harris administration.


Sneha Nair, appointed in February as special assistant at the National Nuclear Security Administration, a wing of the Biden-Harris Department of Energy, has been pushing various disarmament policies – including reducing or eliminating nuclear weapons. Fine, that's nothing new on the left. But, as far as I can tell, this is:

Nair also argues that advancing "queer theory" to include America's nuclear arsenal is essential to America's national security. No, really. I'll give you a minute to stop laughing before we continue.

Ready? Nair's insane argument goes like this:

Queer theory informs the struggle for nuclear justice and disarmament. Queer theory helps to shift the perception of nuclear weapons as instruments for security by telling the hidden stories of displacement, illness, and trauma caused by their production and testing.

By understanding DEI as a set of values critical to security, and therefore as an element of an effective nuclear security culture, stakeholders can explore how DEI can contribute to stronger security at nuclear facilities

Collectively, these principles (of DEI) can work to mitigate counterproductive work behavior and prevent disgruntled employees from becoming insider threats.

If any of that lunacy makes a lick of sense to you, you're (fill in the blank) than I am.


I can just imagine Xi Jinping, Vladimir Putin, or Kim Jong Un (AKA "Little Rocket Man") reading this naive idiocy and laughing their dictatorial asses off. I wouldn't be surprised if they hooked up in a group phone call and laughed themselves silly together.

The fatal fly in the left's deranged ointment has always been acting and believing as if the U.S. exists in a vacuum — as if the rest of the world was all unicorns and rainbows, locked arm-in-arm, singing "Kumbaya, My Lord." While the notion is hilarious, it's also wrought with danger — danger that's clear as a bell for the sane and rational among us.

ALSO READ: Defense Official With Frequent White House Visits and Known Iranian Ties Has a Link to Kamala Harris

Did I mention that before Nair joined the Biden-Harris administration, she worked for the Stimson Institute, which has received hundreds of thousands from George Soros' Open Society Foundations and millions from "The Embassy of the State of Qatar" over the years, as revealed Fox News Digital? 

As if "all of the above" isn't enough, Nair's DEI agenda also envisions sharing America's nuclear secrets with people with foreign connections, whom she claims are discouraged from applying for jobs because of racial bias. 

U.S. government reports show that qualified applicants with foreign ties have been discouraged from applying to sensitive national security positions and faced barriers to obtaining a security clearance. This is in part due to preconceived confirmation biases held by investigators about certain racial or ethnic groups. 

Considerable progress has been made in advancing DEI in the nuclear field, but the largest obstacle remains in ensuring that nuclear security practitioners understand how DEI can serve as a tool to strengthen nuclear security. Greater focus on the intersections between nuclear security and DEI is essential.


If this article doesn't send shivers down your spine, it should — for one paramount reason.

If Kamala Harris wins in November, what are the chances that Sneha Nair will not only remain in her job; her career will flourish? I'd say somewhere between 99 and 100 percent.


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