WATCH: Morning Shows Spin Like Tops Over Biden Bungle: ‘Who Among Us Hasn’t’ Confused Egypt and Mexico?

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

As I watched Biden's Thursday press conference predictably spin out of control, I wondered how the so-called "mainstream" media would be spinning his disastrous performance by Friday morning.


Welp, no sooner than I fired up my computer I found out — hilariously so.

Between ABC’s "Good Morning America," "CBS Mornings," and NBC’s "Today," the quasi-official media of the Democrat Party were in full-blown hyperbolic spin — with one pretend journalist even ridiculously suggesting that mixing up Egypt and Mexico is an everyday thing.

ABC’s chief White House correspondent Mary Bruce tried to explain away Biden's uncontrollable anger directed at several reporters as a positive. No, really.

I don't recall the last time I saw the president this angry. Biden, furious and frustrated, ripping into the special counsel for questioning his memory and recall. In this hastily arranged press event, the president doing a little damage control as his legal exoneration now threatens to become a political liability.

Um, Mary, just a couple of problems. 

81-year-old Biden did forget when his son Beau died, and even when he was vice president, according to the report. Moreover, "damage control"? You were joking, right? His ill-advised presser only made things worse. Oh, and his "legal exoneration" was a stretch — per the language in the report.

Bruce even tried to spin Biden mixing up Egypt and Mexico.

[M]oments after defending his memory, the president mistakenly referred to the president of Egypt as the president of Mexico. He did later get it right. But look, the president clearly knows while legally this may be over, politically, this report can still do him some damage and that obviously angers him and is something ... he's trying to get ahead of.


Meanwhile, CBS' White House correspondent Ed O'Keefe tried to blow off Biden confusing Egypt with Mexico as a common occurrence.

Co-anchor Gayle King kicked off the exchange:

Let's start with President Biden having to defend his mental capabilities. Described in the report as a “sympathetic, elderly man who is well-meaning.” That is not how you want your president to be perceived. What do you make of that?

O'Keefe answered:

No, but he leaned right into it last night and said I am a sympathetic elderly man who has a good memory! And that will be the thing he's got to convince and prove to voters over the next several months.

Downright delusional. "Leaned into it"? Leaned into what? Other than further making the point that he's an elderly man with a rapidly failing memory?  

Co-anchor Tony Dokoupil interjected:

[T]o be holding a press conference about your mental acuity and to mix up Egypt and Mexico. Mexico is not even in the conversation. No questions about Mexico. It’s not the topic of the press conference. It's not a good look.

O'Keefe then totally beclowned himself.

No. And it was also about the southern border of Gaza, so he went to Mexico. Who among us hasn't screwed that up — those two countries before? But we're not president.

Raise your hand if you've ever confused Egypt with Mexico.

Finally, over at "Today," chief White House correspondent Peter Alexander surprisingly highlighted Biden's ill-timed flub.

[According to the Hur Report,] a jury would likely see the President “as a sympathetic, well-meaning, and elderly man with a poor memory.” 


From a clip of Biden's presser:

I'm well-meaning, and I'm an elderly man and know what the hell I'm doing.

Yes, Joe was mightily ticked off by that point.

"Moments later," Alexander pointed out, "the president confusing Mexico and Egypt when talking about the crisis in Gaza."

Biden in another clip:

The President of Mexico, el-Sisi did not want to open up the gate to allow humanitarian material to get in.

Yeah, that would be the president of Egypt, Joe.

And so it went, and undoubtedly continues to go as I wrap up this article, to absolutely nobody's surprise.

The Bottom Line

The sock puppets of the left-wing media, in all of their smug faux glory, are — and forever will be — clueless about their blatant transparency. And that amuses the hell out of me.


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