DOJ Tells SCOTUS a Law Designed to Help Veterans Gives Biden 'Clear Authorization' on Student Loan Scam

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

Throughout the disastrous Biden presidency, it’s never been clear how much of what Biden backs or says comes from his own addled mind, or from the radical minds of his far-left handlers. However, I came to the conclusion that arguably the worst presidency in history is the result of a combination of both.


At relative issue is Biden’s latest argument concerning his ill-fated student loan forgiveness plan, which is really a massive wealth-redistribution scam. He claims it is allowable based on the 2003 HEROES Act, which provided reservists and their families relief from making student loan payments, and that Biden has “clear authorization” to implement his scheme to transfer up to $500 billion in contractual debt from those who signed to repay it to those who didn’t even borrow it.

Hang on a sec, before we continue.

The president of the United States believes he has the authority to transfer to U.S. taxpayers up to $20,000 per student-loan borrower, based on a 20-year-old law designed for America’s active-duty service members fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq. Did I get that right? (Yep, I did.)

As The Washington Free Beacon reported, the Justice Department on Wednesday petitioned the U.S. Supreme Court to uphold Biden’s plan, with Solicitor General Elizabeth Prelogar arguing that the plan will “fall comfortably” within the limits of the HEROES Act. Here’s more, via Politico:

The court filing, submitted late Wednesday evening, marks the beginning of a high-stakes battle at the court in the coming months over the fate of one of Biden’s major domestic policy programs.

The Supreme Court is scheduled to hear oral arguments in February in two cases challenging the debt relief program, which provides up to $20,000 of loan forgiveness for tens of millions of borrowers.

One case is a lawsuit by six Republican-led states, led by Nebraska and Missouri. A second case was brought by a conservative advocacy group on behalf of two Texas student loan borrowers who were partially or fully excluded from the program.

The brief filed Wednesday largely echos the legal arguments that the Biden administration has been making in lower courts over the past several months.

It argues, first, that the Supreme Court should toss out the case because the GOP states and Texas borrowers lack legal standing to bring the case. But, the Biden administration argues, the program is clearly legal in any event.

SASASAS How so? How is forcing taxpayers to pay the contractual debt of those who legally promised to repay it?


The DOJ brief also whines about the courts denying Cardona’s “statutory authority”:

The lower courts’ orders have erroneously deprived the Secretary of his statutory authority to provide targeted student-loan debt relief to borrowers affected by national emergencies, leaving millions of economically vulnerable borrowers in limbo.

Oh, please. Borrowers affected by national emergencies, leaving million economically vulnerable”? You mean how nearly 75 percent of those receiving Biden’s student loan handouts in August planned on using the cash on “travel” and “dining out”?

While the Supreme Court considers the case, the Biden administration has extended the “pause” on federal student loan payments and interest. The administration said the payments will continue to be suspended until Aug. 30, 2023. Translation: Like all good Democrats, Biden continues his damnedest to circumvent the United States judicial system.

The Bottom Line

The only “relief” Biden’s boondoggle scam was designed for were two relative purposes: a naked attempt to shore up Biden’s disastrous poll numbers and those of the Democrat Party as a whole — and the Democrat ballot box, which bears repeating the words of Irish playwright George Benard Shaw, also a socialist:

A government that robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul.


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