The Blaze is reporting that former Breitbart reporter Michelle Fields has turned over to the D.C. police several death threats she has received from Trump supporters who have threatened to kill her if she does not drop charges against Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski.
The audio, again courtesy of the Blaze, is very disturbing.
This is a direct result of the poisonous atmosphere that Donald Trump is fostering in this country. He and his rhetoric are emboldening people to believe that they can solve political differences with violence, under the guise of not being “politically correct.” And so you have garbage like this going on.
And I know that Fields is not the only one who gets stuff like this. Just looking at the hate mail that we get here every day (including some we get from clueless people who still send Erick’s hate mail here), it doesn’t rise to this level, but it gets close. And it has never been close to anything like this before.
The sooner this cancerous garbage candidate (Trump) is gone from the national stage, the better.
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